Stopping at Stop signs!!


Active member
Funny this thread came up as I had an incident about 3 weeks ago that ticked me off. I was coming to a 'T' intersection (approaching on the vertical) and saw a bike on the shoulder. He then proceeded to pull in the middle of my lane 1/4 mile from the turn so I had to slow down and follow him to the left turn lane which when we approached was red. As we both arrived at the light he stopped for a second, while still being in the middle of the left turn lane, then proceeded to just go right threw the red light.

What had me mad is he used the rules of the road to get in the turn lane which he was acting like a car but broke the rules when he went thru the red light, I feel you can't have it both ways and just apply the rules when you want. Heck if he wanted to run the light then he could have stayed to the shoulder and just went across in the area that would normally be a pedestrian walkway across. It just really erked me since I had to slow down and follow but yet the terd runs the light...


A few yrs back I had a bike run in to the side of my truck he did not stop there was no crosswalk lines on the rd.he was trying to bitch at me so I called the cops I did not get a tix I was in the right .but what really pissed me off was the DB on the bike did not get a tix he had no insurance I did not want to turn it in to my insurance.the DB did not want to pay to have my door buffed out so I turned it in to Allstate and they got the money from him for allot more than the 125 I asked the DB for in the first place.I guess the faggy tight shorts and matching tight faggy shirt cut off the blood flow to his brain and he lost common sense.he was going to show me he was in the right well I got a check for a new door new paint and a rental car .then I buffed out the scratch in my garage in about 15min.I cant stand bikers now. stay on the side walk

Had just about the same thing happen to me. But the bike rider got a ticket for running a red light. He did'nt get to ride his bike home that day.


Well-known member
Bikers are a different breed. I was down in Florida along the gulf a few years ago, and we normally go out and run a few miles in the morning. I'd prefer not to run down there at all, but the wife loves exercising when we're on vacation. Anyway, the sidewalk is cement down there, which is tough on my knees, so we usually run on the edge of the road. Well they have a bike lane on this road, and a few of the spandex-wearing bikers with the matching sponsored tight shirts gave me an ear full for running in their lane. You would have thought they were Lance Armstrong and I was interfering with the tour (maybe it was lance, and this was just the roid rage). Really, how much effort does it take to go around a runner. And to think, this is in a touristy area so there's a very good chance this uptight spaz was on vacation. I wonder how upset these guys are when they have a bad day at work.


New member
Bikers are a different breed. I was down in Florida along the gulf a few years ago, and we normally go out and run a few miles in the morning. I'd prefer not to run down there at all, but the wife loves exercising when we're on vacation. Anyway, the sidewalk is cement down there, which is tough on my knees, so we usually run on the edge of the road. Well they have a bike lane on this road, and a few of the spandex-wearing bikers with the matching sponsored tight shirts gave me an ear full for running in their lane. You would have thought they were Lance Armstrong and I was interfering with the tour (maybe it was lance, and this was just the roid rage). Really, how much effort does it take to go around a runner. And to think, this is in a touristy area so there's a very good chance this uptight spaz was on vacation. I wonder how upset these guys are when they have a bad day at work.

How sad, what's this world coming to.


New member
Can't we all just get along?
I snowmobile and you have to be defensive from the sno-x wannabe's.
I ride bicycle also and their are the clowns that think they own the trail and street.
I also am a runner and I've met the type that think everyone has to watch out for them.
In our world today people are always in a hurry and just don't care about their actions.
It's their way and screw what others think. I often think, I'd be miserable if I lived that way. My motto is to Live Happily Everafter.

X2! There will always be one or two bad apples. Please don't assume that all bikers are bad just by one or two situations.
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Well-known member
Well I do ride my Trek pedal bike and Harley quite a bit. I usually do about 12 miles a day to stay in shape. Well I am going down a little hill going 20 mph. Well I have an old man that gives me eye contact and backs out right into me. I dodge him and get right into his window. I was calm until he told me stay in my own lane. Well I am 6'5 250 yelling every 4 letter word I could think of. Well then I meet up with him at the stop light where he is turning left. He ask me why I am so angry well I tell him he almost hit and he said he was sorry. Well then I explain to him if he is that old he should not be driving. Well he said he was a good driver so I asked him if he is always is the turn lane with out a turn signal. Well he agreed with me and took off.

Well I noticed when I ride by his house now he backs in so he can see more. I have had more yelling episodes on the Harley but the bike one was the closest.


New member
In our town riding the sidewalks is only illegal on a couple of blocks downtown. I usually commute to work, but ride the sidewalk because the road is too narrow and unsafe to bike on.

My biggest pet peeves are the idiot people on bicycles that don't stop for stop signs, even when there are cars coming!!! and the cars and trucks that stop in the middle of the crosswalk and roll through the stop sign...I've yelled at a few other bikers while I'm riding saying it is no wonder why bikers get a bad name.....


Active member
Some bicyclist are purposely confrontational, at least I have encountered a few recently that sure appear that way.

Just the other day I was riding thru town, 25 mph with cars parked on both sides of 2 lane street when a biker all decked out in his riding gear comes out onto the city street about 50 ft ahead of me from riding in the parking lane. He is peddling about 20 mph but weaving back and forth from the parking spots dodging parked cars to in front of me purposely not letting me get past him. I was no more than 10 ft from overtaking while he was in the parking lane when he darted right in front of me again. We went about 5 + blocks like that with him racing to stay ahead of me as on coming traffic gave me the option of running over him or following him. Finally we got to an area where there were no parked cars for about 300 ft and I was able to overtake him although he would not move over very far. As I passed I glanced at him and I am pretty sure he made an obscene gesture towards me just for looking at him. I know his mouth was moving. He was the one being the ahole by refusing to let me get by him.

A few weeks ago I was in front of my house when I heard someone holler. I looked up to see a guy on a bike ridding down the middle of the traffic lane at about 10 mph and refusing to move over to let cars go by and he was giving the pickup truck behind him the finger for blowing the horn. There was room for him to ride on the right but he would not.
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Well-known member
I do not understand why people on pedal bikes think they they own the road. But if you hit one its your fault. I know when I ride the motor cycle or pedal bike I am watching out for everyone. I know my 25 pound bike is not match for a car.


New member
I don't think I own it, I'd just like to use the 4 inches or so by the white stripe without getting hit. Even with my flashing halogens, somehow they don't see me. Strange.


New member
Since this thread is getting off the topic (stopping at stop signs) I will give my 2 cents worth. It is obvious that most people are against bikers on this site. For those members who dislike seeing bikers on the roads please try to imagine what it would be like to snowmobile without any trails. Granted a snowmobile could easily travel the posted speed limit; so this may not be the best comparison. Would you be happy when vehicles pass you without moving over? Since many drivers don't respect bikers being on the road; some bikers may have developed a too defensive (borderline offensive) mentality.

Maybe the hot summer weather and high humidity are getting people on edge or the fact that it has been 4+ months since we were able to ride our sleds???

Now for anyone who fails to stop at a stop sign they need to re- review the rules of the road manual!