TEAM HENNESSEY Twin Lakes trip Jan 19th


Well-known member
We had a great time this weekend and the trails were very good and mostly smooth all weekend!
Here is a shot of how deep the snow was in the woods!

Heres some of the group taking a break!

Here is Chris jumping

Scottiking OUT


New member
I didn't realize we were with you guys until you left. This is the kid that sprayed slush all over you friends. Haha glad to see you made it off that lake. The powerline was just at the end of it.


Well-known member
Mike had alittle mishap on the drive up.
Have ya ever seen a Jeep wranger pulling a 2 placed inclosed trailer in a snow storm?
But have ya seen one doing 360's down the highway and into the ditch?
This is a pic of a hole ripped in the side of the trailer! not sure what did this tho??
What kind of oil does mike use?

This is what a trailer looks like when two sleds go flying out the back!

Scottiking OUT


Well-known member
Here's Chris jumping, almost right on top of me!

Here is Bill warming up the Polaris

Here's billy buzzin the lake

Scottiking OUT


Well-known member
Pat, the powerlines could of used another foot of snow but they were fun anyways!
I saw your sticker in the Krupps snowstick at about the 4 1/2 foot mark! nice!
Scottiking OUT


We ran the powerlines for quite a while, some of it was sweet and some sucked, trails were mint I thought.

Thanks for the spray Andy, I couldn't see until we got some where to dry it out, frozen shield big time! lol



Power lines where full of a fresh 12-24 inches 13 riders of TEAM HENNESSY ripped them up! they were untouched on friday



New member
Powerlines were awesome but could of used another foot. I thought you were looking a bit warm Twistgrip. haha


New member
Any damage to the two sleds that went out the back of the trailer? Looks like you guys had a blast, looks like we should of waited a week to get up there!!! Oh well we'll be up in two weeks!

****Ring Ding****


New member
my friend was telling me about the jeep that threw the 2 sleds right threw the back otf the trailer. Sorry to here it was you. I did laugh about a jeep towing a trailer though.


Well-known member
Pat, no it wasn't! It sure is sad to drive by and see a scene like! The waitress at the parkview told us at breakfast that she had scene his friends Sunday morning and they were very upset to say the least!
Snow dust was really bad that night and if you hang in that it's a gamble! I know I hang back as much as possible! I hate that feeling when your in that stuff!
Scottiking OUT