Good write up on the 650, causing me to continue to contemplate if i want to keep mine, if i ever get it! I snowchecked one in March 2021 with a late March 2022 delivery, supossedly. What a joke.
Currently have 4 Doo's 2019 and newer, and wanted to see what a Polaris would be like after last owning one in 2005. Currently 3 850's and 1 600efi Sport, so thought the 650 would be a fun option and offer some variety, and I could move one of the 850's. Due to the Polaris delivery FAILURE, had to buy an in season 22 850 TNT. Dealer felt bad, and gave me a good deal, which I appreciate. Over 1100 flawless miles with only the DESS missing.
NO issues with any of the other Doo's I have had over the past 16 years.
Priced 23 Doo snowchecks out, Blizzard...not as bad as I thought due to limited allowance to dealers. No way as good as prior snowcheck discounts, but not MSRP either. And, used sled prices are crazy!
Fortunate and good problems to have, but just not sure about taking delivery of the 22 (or whatever) Polaris 650. And, certainly do not believe all that is written and posted on the internet, but seems like 22 Polaris sleds have a bunch of issues....quality control, fit, finish, etc....