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just joking sometime next year if it don't get much warmer soon crazy weather this year
Here are a few pic's taken today (04-29-11). I passed this 3 different times today, each time, did not have the camera, so, I made a point to get to the office, grab my camera & get these shots. I am not sure, but didn't John put a halt on dates for the melt down?-Mezz
Ya know... if you were really little tiny and you had a really little tiny sled you could ride your arse off there! YEEEHAW!
7 more months til we ride again!
Mezz, thanks for keeping us informed on this while John is down in Minnenosnowta.
By they way, where did you get that rear window tint/graphic thingy? is that right from cat?
Can anyone supply the GPS coordinates for the Laurium Glacier? I have a vague hunch where it is, but it has been decades since I've seen it, and my recollection is kinda fuzzy.
Yeah, that sounds 'bout right! I do seem to recall that it was (on da nort' side da road, eh? — Minor Correction: Actually on the east side o' that section of da road.) within spittin' distance of the Florida [Location] (white lettering on da green background) sign. — I presume that sign is still there, I'll have to see if it shows up in the Google® street view!… Imagine this if you can, your headed up to Laurium via M-26 from Lake Linden, it's near the top of the hill just outside of Florida, I believe on the edge of Moyles Farm. …
Hey now, dat's some mo' betta Yooper directions, eh?… If that doesn't jog the memory, then the simple answer will be, up dare on dat corner dat goes to da right before it goes to da left, on da left before da very top of da hill.LOL!!!!!!-Mezz
(Still hard at work serving the JD community, even from the hospital bed, eh?) Thanks, John!I just went to google earth and zoomed in on the spot and this is what it gave me as coordinates:
Be sure you include the sign with the longitude, or it'll put you on the other side of the planet! (West longitude is negative, east is positive!)… 88.439523 puts me a few miles out into the lake to the west on google earth. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Yeah, that sounds 'bout right! I do seem to recall that it was (on da nort' side da road, eh?) within spittin' distance of the Florida [Location] (white lettering on da green background) sign. — I presume that sign is still there, I'll have to see if it shows up in the Google® street view!
As a matter of fact, that's also not far from the ol' Douglas [sic] Houghton Falls (more properly Houghton-Douglass Falls, as it was really not named for the Geologist Douglass Houghton, but for the two fellers, Douglass Houghton and his contemporary and fellow explorer Christopher Columbus (C.C.) Douglass!)"Hey now, dat's some mo' betta Yooper directions, eh?
You got it Nash, see, your memory isn't as fuzzy as you thought. Yes, The sign is still there, white letters on the green background! I did get my GPS out & got close on the Topo with an guesstimate of N47 13.216' W088 26.391' My curiosity got the best of me so I went to the site with the GPS & short of standing on it here is what it actually read, N47 13.299' W088 26.363 I hope that helps, but, your recollection is right on the money, so who needs a GPS. You can add that to your list of talents, you Thesaurus, Spell Check, walking talking know too darn much displaced yooper you. Have a good one!-Mezz
Thanks, Mezz — of course "joggerfy" has always been another of my lifelong obsessions. Good to know I'm not gettin' too rusty.You got it Nash, see, your memory isn't as fuzzy as you thought. Yes, The sign is still there, white letters on the green background! I did get my GPS out & got close on the Topo with an guesstimate of N47 13.216' W088 26.391' My curiosity got the best of me so I went to the site with the GPS & short of standing on it here is what it actually read, N47 13.299' W088 26.363 I hope that helps, but, your recollection is right on the money, so who needs a GPS. You can add that to your list of talents, you Thesaurus, Spell Check, walking talking know too darn much displaced yooper you. Have a good one!-Mezz
How's it looking?