Theories on this winter


Active member
yes I agree 200 yrs back NO accurate records, used that number as JUST a POINT of sorts

since accurate records have been kept however its been a climb in temps on average around the world so??
forgive me for over listing a NUMBER here, I was wrong for doing so!

NEXT, as for my concerns if you think there about farming and HOW DO I< plan to change things
I never said I had any answers MY point has simply been, HUMANS ARE ALTERING WEATHER and in result its changing the tempos and seasons in the WORLD, in a negative way!
Folks DON"T like honest answers
an HONEST answer to some of these issue's is simply NOT having more and more humans!
some self control on humans side of things
there are literally WAY too many people in the world today having kids CAUSE THEY CAN< and not cause they planned them or can care for them and many that doesn't even WANT THEM

SO< how can humans help reverse MAYBE some things
Simple< LESS humans, less needs required of the PLANET to supply them with!

LESS footprint on tings NO?

you all want to says things like there is NOTHING going on but normal cycles of things, YET most of you also point oput things HUMANS have done to alter things

you cannot have BOTH
either we HUMANS ARE effecting weather and GLOBAL warming or CLIMATE CHANGE as some prefer to call it
or we are NOT
sorry, it works ONE way or the other

trying to defend that we HUMANS are NOT a BIG part of the problem, in both actions and AMOUNTS of us, is foolish

NO I don;'t have answers, or for sure don't have answers MOST would do, or accept

people IMO on average worry more about "ME"< and "ME NOW" and less about what happens down the road

throughout HISTORY< when humans are left to Control themselves they tend to fail to find self control!
and over use, abuse, and remove natural resource's to the point of almost extinction ,BEFORE someone steps in and says WAIT A MINUTE?

look at how many things we HUMANS have over used?
and why??
greed and demand, NO

all that, NOW and don't THINK maybe about LATER

You never answered my questions! How are YOU going to change your life to repair the damage YOU are doing to the environment since you are sooo convinced humans are causing everything?


Well-known member
HUMM guess you didn;t read my post answering this question

I guess your of the mind set you only like to read what YOU prefer to read into things!

I have to guess your also of the mind set you'd rather wait till we have a BIG issue, before trying to curb things

as again looking back at how humans have screwed up SO many things in such a short period of time, since some folks here want to go back to how OLD the EARTH is as to modem man times of record keeping!

apparently you don't know of all the things when humans are left to DO what they wish, and there effects over the last 200 yrs
we about killed off MANY natural resources , when left to DO as we please, before SOMEONE or a LAW was passed to protect future generations from damages we were doing NOW

there are tons of LAWS (and NOT a big fan of banning anything)

out there simply due to humans have piss poor self control and quality judgement making skills when left to do so on there own!
That's been MY point
we HUMANS are effecting things NOW, you wish to wait till LATER to see or change your view's SO be it
your right to have your opinion, as it is mine to have MY opinion here

I again DON"T have all the answers NOR ever said I did
I simple said, THERE ARE PROBLEMS NOW< caused by humans! effecting weather, global warming, or what ever wording you wish to call it or use!
heck most of the post above trying to tell me they DON"T Exist have proved they did?


Active member
HUMM guess you didn;t read my post answering this question

I guess your of the mind set you only like to read what YOU prefer to read into things!

I have to guess your also of the mind set you'd rather wait till we have a BIG issue, before trying to curb things

as again looking back at how humans have screwed up SO many things in such a short period of time, since some folks here want to go back to how OLD the EARTH is as to modem man times of record keeping!

apparently you don't know of all the things when humans are left to DO what they wish, and there effects over the last 200 yrs
we about killed off MANY natural resources , when left to DO as we please, before SOMEONE or a LAW was passed to protect future generations from damages we were doing NOW

there are tons of LAWS (and NOT a big fan of banning anything)

out there simply due to humans have piss poor self control and quality judgement making skills when left to do so on there own!
That's been MY point
we HUMANS are effecting things NOW, you wish to wait till LATER to see or change your view's SO be it
your right to have your opinion, as it is mine to have MY opinion here

I again DON"T have all the answers NOR ever said I did
I simple said, THERE ARE PROBLEMS NOW< caused by humans! effecting weather, global warming, or what ever wording you wish to call it or use!
heck most of the post above trying to tell me they DON"T Exist have proved they did?

Cannot even provide a straight forward answer to a simple question so...your answer must be NO. You are not going to stop driving a vehicle, you are not going to stop using electricity, you are not going to stop using motorized machinery to perform your work, etc. Therefore, based on your lack of action you don't believe in man-made climate change either; because if YOU DID you would doing something about it and NOT GIVE a rip about someone else's opinion!


New member
All you need to do is plant one tree per year to erase your carbon footprint. I planted around 90 a few years ago to cover my portion......
All ya wanna do is come in here and read about snowmobiles and shut the hail up, and then you get the idiocy that flushes you OUT in the open.
So 3 years of low snow, and 1 of record warmth makes a trend, in all the millions of years the planet existed before the 125 years of recorded weather, and that makes global warming a national crisis. Thanks - got it! I learn so much here.
Just like the current snow in the Sierra's they can't accurately measure its so deep. Just a 2-3 years ago they were in a major drought.
SMDH/ rolls eyes at same time.

BAM! I love it and SO true!


Well-known member
All you need to do is plant one tree per year to erase your carbon footprint. I planted around 90 a few years ago to cover my portion......

That would be true if you started that tree from seed....right? Otherwise just transplanting an existing tree to another location no addtional CO2 wash with that action.

Grant Hoar

New member
After driving 400 miles to get up north and getting 11 mpg, and then going off-trail with a 10 mpg sled, I will do my part to minimize climate change by going around one more sapling instead of running it over. Also, one less bowl of spicy chili on guys weekend. Who says we don't make sacrifices to minimize man's impact on Mother Nature!!