Thoughts and Prayers are with you, John


New member
John, Checked your journal earlier than normal today, have been waiting all week 'til Sunday to hear what you had found out-Had a feeling that you had written already today. We are sorry to hear that you have more that has to be tended to but are glad that you listened to your body and are in a good place with great doctors. We are happy that you are with those you love and that the rest are holding down the fort at home. Your upbeat spirit and attitude have been such a blessing to see on this site over and over through the years. You are an inspiration, John, whether or not you realize it yet. We pray for God's protection, healing, strength and blessings over you, Nora, Grace, Huck and Millie and the rest of your family. Take care and hug each other and keep us updated as time allows.

Brent and Jennifer Hendricks
(Hastings, MI)


New member
J/D readin 5/15

John ,Was lookin,, as I do on this site , and came across the 5/15 journal...1st thought was of disbelieve ,,,then stopped and said a prayer for you and your girls!!!! no matter what the issue is, KNOW that there are 1000`S of us J/D`ers that enjoy readin your journals,but most of all you have created a site for good people to chat,agree ,disagree ,tell sled lies and laugh..JOHN,,my thoughts and prayers for you and the GIRLS.are sent...MEATHEAD


Super Moderator
Staff member
Hang in there buddy, better to get it done now, rather than the fall. This winter will be epic, and you need to be 100 percent by then. :)
X2 ......... May god bless and look out for you and your whole family. And as trying as these times may be, Please know that we are all here praying and wishing you a full and speedy recovery Dont worry about the journal, We will all wait at least for the updates till again you can share your thoughts and journeys in the great life of yours in the u.p

god bless you john

Jeff and Darlene


Well-known member
Blessings to you during these trying times, John. You will be in our prayers tonight. May God bless you and give you a speedy recovery.


Active member
Well Jeez, another heart valve for such a fit young fella?
(This ol' cardiac patient has 25 1/2 years on ya, so I can say "young fella"!)

Prayers for a top notch repair job and a speedy, complete recovery, John. And best wishes for Nora, Gracie and the pups, while you're all going through this.

I sure hope you'll be feelin' frisky and as fit as a fiddle for a BIG celebration at home on your 45th b'day next month. Then you can take it easy for a few more months to ensure a complete recovery before the next snow season.[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]
<hr size="2" width="75%">
[/FONT][/FONT]P.S.: I sure find it frustrating, to say the least, that neither your primary care physician nor the folks at Portage Health ER seemed to have a clue!

It's that state of affairs that finally caused me to abandon my dream of retiring to da UP, sell my luv'ly little house in Chassell and remain in Phoenix instead. Especially after the subtle little clues I experienced less than 5-10 minutes before my cardiac arrest in August of 2009. If that had happened to me in beautiful uptown Chassell, MI, I think I'd be pushin' up daisies by now fer sure!
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Good luck on your procedure and hope you have a speedy recovery. Hopefully in no time you will be back in the Keweenaw, enjoying your family and feeling 100%. Take care.


New member
They gonna put in Boyesen or V-force? And are you going to have to run Amsoil or get by with S&S? Kiddin! Get better soon. Prayers are with ya!


Nothing like going in for a valve job. Wrench you open, clean you out, install the new valve and seat, slap you back together and on your way. Wish it were that simple! Be brave and strong, you have a good spirit and a loving family and caring friends. Before you know it, we'll all be sitting in the pole line talking about how John scared the he!! out us!! Many prayers and thoughts will be with you. Take care friend and heal at god speed! :)


New member
Good Luck John. You are in good hands there. Being from Rochester, and having my whole family working at the Mayo complex, you are correct in saying some of the world's best are there. They will treat you right. Have the girls check out the glass sculptures in the Gonda building. That will lighten their hearts.... Take care, prayers are coming from my way......