Time for new ski.s ...HELP!


New member
I'm replacing the ski's on my wife's 07 FST IQLX. They developed the classic holes in the center.
She does mostly trail riding. And darting/ cornering are my concerns. I would appreciate any input.
SIMMONS? SLP? POLARIS GRIPPERS? Anyone happy with/disappointed? Or should I stick with stock replacements


New member
An 07 with worn out skis? What are these "classic" holes you speak of? Put the same skis (yet new) back on it and keep up on your wear bars this time. The SLP's such as the powder pros and Grippers you hear about are for off trail riding mainly. Go stock ski and use Stud Boy carbides. PS. keep her in the snow. Your skis should last forever.


New member
Many have complained about the quick wear thru of the Polaris skis. Not sure why that is happening but it does, and apparently rapidly.

I would NOT put the Polaris junk skis back on there, since you KNOW what will happen to them prematurely and they aren't much to begin with.

Nearly any of the after market skis seem to hold up better and if you put dually carbides on, it will go a long way in eliminating the darting that the stockers continue to have.

Good wear bars will protect the bottom of the skis a lot longer too.

The IQ had poor design on the spindles and makes for a hard steering sled. I suggest putting some holtz spindles on there for a much improved steering config. She will appreciate the difference on the first trip out. Polaris stole the Holtz geometry and incorporated it into the 2008 and beyond spindles.


New member
The "classic holes" I describe are not because of riding on roads/gravel etc. Its a problem often reported on IQ models. The carbides are in perfect condition but the concave/coned center of the ski "3/4 of a inch from the bottom" wears through. She rides right behind me (we rarely ride roads} I ride a Switchback "different design ski" and my ski's are perfect.
The wear seems to be from compressing snow/trail grit into the center of the ski. Poor design to start with.
I could save money by buying a stock replacement ski and then mounting her carbides that are in perfect condition on the new ski. But I am certain I would have the same issue in another 4-5000 miles
It appears after market is the best way to go.
I'm well aware that a lot of ski changeovers are done more for running powder.
That's why I'm looking for advise on the best aftermarket ski for trail riding.
Looks like a lot of folks run SLPs and are happy.
Anyone have any darting issues with SLPs on the IQFST? Or advise on what carbide to run?


New member
Lukester, I hear what your saying. I love the SLP Powder Pros for all around use. They are ment for off trail but work great for on trail too. No darting. I found Shade Tree offers the best deals on SLP. Especially during the Novi snow show. Your Switch probable has side hillers on it. my 05 and 06 switches did. They are junk skis too. I replaced with the 05 skis with SLP and the 06 with Grippers. The SLP work better all around, but they have a softer plastic than the grippers. With the grippers you may use the rubber snubber block over again. With the slp you will also have to buy new blocks, mounts, skis and their wear bars (which are good).


New member
Thanks for the info. Ive posted the same question on other forums and it seems that SLP is the most recomended.
Im thinking Ill try the SLTs on my wifes 07 FST IQLX.
IF they help with cornering Ill likely be doing the SLP powder pros to my 07 FST SWITCHBACK.