To Cold To Ride?


Rode last year one night when it was -30 out, wasn't bad, but I dressed for it, worst was the double lens kept frosting over, so I rode with it partway open and my glasses then had ice forming on the frames! Really hard to see then, want to get a new helmet with a heated shield and I'll wear my contacts when I ride.


Mach1mike, I wear a thinsulate thong, but I still get cold. I do look good though, all 260 pounds of me.


New member
I was in Calumet over the new year riding. We went riding that saturday when temps got down to 0 or 2 above. We got in that night and we were the ONLY yes the ONLY trailer in the parking lot!!!! I didnt drive 8 hours just to go home a day early because it was only 10 degrees less than ideal. The front desk said everyone left because of the cold!


New member
Mach1Mike you're freaken killin me man! Finally another hairy fat guy like me!. Skinny folks should be jealous of the $$ we save not buying fancy ridin clothes. LOL


New member
thanks for the visuals guys that's some funny stuff.we have a guy here at work we call Furby don;t dare strike a match near him ha


New member
jan. 2006 it was 48 below by ely mn, it took us about 2 hours to get all the sleds started, pretty much had the trails to ourselves as the local don't ride when it's that cold. we all had a great time.


New member
Hey, oldguy,

I agree much below -20 and you get cold fast on the long high speed runs.

BTW, I thought the coldest temp was in Embarass not Tower???

I lived in Babbitt one winter it was somewhere between 45 and 50 below, I was going out of town and my sled was outside so I went to move into my one car garage while I was gone, and not expecting it to start in that much cold it fired right up!

so if the sled runs you can ride!


New member
I'll take the cold anyday over what they are predicting next week for our trip-mid to upper 30's and possible rain. Hopefully it won't reach as far north as the Hurley / Ironwood area. Depending on the weather source, I'm getting anything from 37 and rain to 27 and snow. I know which one I'm hoping for!! Actually, with temps in the mid 20's, I get too warm riding. I prefer single digits to upper teens. Have ridden in temps as low as -25. The sled runs great, but you have to stop quite a bit to unthaw. The season is too short to worry about the temps. Have snow-will ride!!


Snodogg, Tower MN recorded coldest spot east of the Mississippi. It happened on 2/2/96, when it got to 60 below. That must have been well before the global warming thing. Although on avarage, Embarass MN is colder.

If anybody really wants to experiance cold weather snowmobiling, take the Iron Trail railroad grade from Tower MN to Embarass when it's 40 below. My wife and I have and I don't care who you are and how your dressed, it's cold.


New member
Sorry oldguy, couldn't resist. I always crack up when the locals fight over whether the coldest record was Tower or Embarrass. I have never seen proof so we may never know...

that RR grade your talking about been there done that. brrrrrrrr


New member
The only thing that bothers me about cold riding is how I'm jetted. Once it dips below -10 I start worrying about getin too lean and toasting a piston. Last year we went to dinner 40 miles from the lodge and it dropped down to -26 while we ate. No only did my nuts freeze to the seat on the way home, 3 miles from home I blew a belt. Thank God the groomer was just down the trail. He pulled up and lit me up so I could see what the heck I was doing. Replaced the belt and rode home. The next day we waited until it hit -15 to go out. No problem.


Was out in West Yellowstone in 2003 and woke up to -33. To us is felt more like -10, maybe something to do with elevation. We proceded to pull and pull and get the rentals started and off we went. Saw people snowshoeing into the woods with tents to do some winter camping.


New member
Its never too cold......i rode snowmobileto school when it was -22.5 Its way too warm now......its 33.1 and its raining :(