WAY off topic - Maury comes on after Tom Skilling here - Chick slept with over 100 guys and just doesn't seem to know who the father is! (shocking!) Sooo...to continue...6 DNA tests so far...
"Will this chick ever find her baby daddy??"
Where can I find a map of all the sweet un-tracked boondocking areas?
A fun thread!!! We're all getting along! No one pi$$!# and moaning!
You don't leave her enough spending money,why does my GF B!&@H every time I go on a sled trip with the boys
Where can I find a map of all the sweet un-tracked boondocking areas?
Why does my wife keep running over a string a dozen times with the vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it back down to give the vacuum one more chance?
Where is the best boondocking for awesome powder in da U.P.?