Tossing garbage out of car


New member
So I just returned from Houghton and was lucky enough to observe a group of younger guys sitting in their pickup, while sitting there I see them throw a 2 liter of Mountain Dew out of the truck into a snow bank. So they pull away and leave their trailer sitting there. Lucky for them I did not want to see the Mountain Dew go to waste so I put it in their trailer. I am no tree hugger but tossing garbage out the window is something tat gives all of us a bad name in the sport. I just wish people would throw their trash out. The kick in the sack is that I come from a major city where this occurs all the time, and this truck had Michigan plates on it.


Active member
I was plowing one of my regular lots 2 snows back. There were 3 cars in lot no tracks next to this one. Footprints getting out of pass side, fast food bag on ground (no snow on it). I got out opened up back door (unlocked), gave them their garbage back. There's enough trash in the snow piles in the spring. Could have carried it into work with them and disposed of properly! !


Good for you chicagosledder. So many people have no respect they think every thing in life is owed to them. I blew a belt to pieces today on the trail and I took it all with me. How many people do that? We all should. There is a lot of garbage on the trails.


New member
I briefly thought about opening the bottle before I tossed in their trailer but I figured they would get the point in the morning. I just think we have enough people against us in our sport, why give them ammunition to use. The kicker was after they left they came back in 15 minutes. I was hoping one off them would say something but they didn't.


New member
How about cigarette butts.........Really sets me off when I see smoker throw butts out the car window ...... Last summer I was following a driver on my HD, driver threw a butt out the window and in hit me square in the chest...I went nuts ( did a bad thing) after the dust settled, the driver got a littering ticket.... I had to turn in an insurance claim...... worth it.

Car's have ash trays......if you love smoking so much, keep it in your car.


How about cigarette butts.........Really sets me off when I see smoker throw butts out the car window ...... Last summer I was following a driver on my HD, driver threw a butt out the window and in hit me square in the chest...I went nuts ( did a bad thing) after the dust settled, the driver got a littering ticket.... I had to turn in an insurance claim...... worth it.

Car's have ash trays......if you love smoking so much, keep it in your car.

with out going into specific details care to explain why you had to turn in an insurance claim? But I am with you on this one, I hate pulling up to a stoplight or sign and see a pile of them out my window. Or a neighbor that smokes..... smoke the cig in their driveway then walk down to the street and flick it into the street. EEERRRRR


Active member
Sounds like there was a fair amount left in the bottle. I never saw a young guy waste Dew. Maybe cooling it off in the snow bank for when he comes back for trailer?


New member
Sounds like there was a fair amount left in the bottle. I never saw a young guy waste Dew. Maybe cooling it off in the snow bank for when he comes back for trailer?

Not a chance, they tossed it out as garbage. If he wanted to cool it off, he could of left it in the bed of his truck or on the trailer tongue.


Perhaps next time they would find a Sticky Mess of said discarded product splattered inside.
Hmmmm, food or (drink) for thought, eh.


Perhaps next time they would find a Sticky Mess of said discarded product splattered inside.
Hmmmm, food or (drink) for thought, eh.

I don't think vandalism is a good idea. And, he is lucky the guys didn't come back while he was opening up their trailer. That may have not ended well.

Grant Hoar

New member
Think maybe that wasn't Dew in that bottle? Long drive and didn't want to stop, so used the truckers solution. Would have been a nasty surprise to open that up in their traileer


New member
I don't think vandalism is a good idea. And, he is lucky the guys didn't come back while he was opening up their trailer. That may have not ended well.

I was hoping they would of came back, I was not alone and I would of gladly explained to them that garbage dumped out of the car is not a nice thing to do.


Active member
How about cigarette butts.........Really sets me off when I see smoker throw butts out the car window ...... Last summer I was following a driver on my HD, driver threw a butt out the window and in hit me square in the chest...I went nuts ( did a bad thing) after the dust settled, the driver got a littering ticket.... I had to turn in an insurance claim...... worth it.

Car's have ash trays......if you love smoking so much, keep it in your car.

This one drives me insane. How people don't view this as littering is beyond me. I have a pretty busy commute in the Chicagoland area everyday, my car gets hit by a cigarette butt at least once a week. Its like they know they have a terrible habit that is killing them and they just want to get rid of the evidence as quickly as possible so they don't feel guilty about smoking.