Did anyone mention possible problem with gauge or sending unit? If they did sorry, still trying to wake up.
x2. Is the engine actually overheating or is the gauge indicating that it is overheating?
Did anyone mention possible problem with gauge or sending unit? If they did sorry, still trying to wake up.
Im not sure who your buddy is, but Ive always tested system flow performance by filling with water and letting it spray all over the place. Right off the bat, it sounded like you were air locked since the pump wasnt pumping. Glad you found the problem, I still dont understand why the system bleeder didnt take care of it. Oh well, get some JB weld out and fill that little hole and you're all set! Never give up!
I was just going to ask...how did you fill the hole?
I think we are saying the same thing. I was saying that the fact that the pump was not pumping would lead me personally to believe the system was air locked. I have had many a water pump spraying me inside of an engine compartment testing the pump, so the fact that yours wasn't pumping would have lead me to believe air lock. Anyways, glad you got your truck fixed!
Yes, just the inside layer can collapse from the suction. Also, stay away fromn aftermarket thermostats, buy one from a dealer. The factory thermostats are alot different from the generic Stants, and other aftermarket brands.
where the heck did you buy this truck any ways? lol
Scottiking OUT