Truck/trailer/gear all stolen up in Canada


Unfortunately these kinds of stories are way more prevalent "up nort" than here in the far northern U.S........from my perspective, anybody that takes their own sh*t to Canada, especially Quebec, to ride is simply asking for it. Worse than ghettos in the U.S.


New member
Unfortunately these kinds of stories are way more prevalent "up nort" than here in the far northern U.S........from my perspective, anybody that takes their own sh*t to Canada, especially Quebec, to ride is simply asking for it. Worse than ghettos in the U.S.

that blowns my mind..i cant believe canada is like


New member
that blowns my mind..i cant believe canada is like

I call B.S. to that. I ride Ontario a lot since 1997 and never an issue there. Quebec... I don't know. I do know of many sleds getting stolen in Michigan especially along the M-55 corridor. But saying Canada that's a pretty broad statement.


Active member
Someone on facebook did say they saw that rig coming down through Michigan.
I don't believe everything I read, but who knows.


I believe there was a article on Yahoo this fall on how easy they are to steal. Too bad I own one! :( Many people have put in a Ravelco system to prevent this.


New member
I haven't been back to Canada to ride since 1999 . I had a sled stolen out of my trailer. When I reported the claim to my insurance guy, he said " I could have told you that was going to happen" !