Trying to organize a "Technical Mountain Riding School" out west...


New member
Its all good Chris.....snowluver1 hit it on the head find someone who can push you past your comfort zone then you will be ahead of the game......


New member
So, I guess I'm still confused as to what exactly you are trying to accomplish, that hasn't already been done or isn't readily available already.
Just about every guide service offers some form of basic instruction on riding techniques and positioning, etc. Manufacturer involvement and after market vendors showcasing there products? Ever hear of Hay Days? Ever seen the Schooled video's? My point is if someone is looking for basic instruction, its out there. If someone already has the basics down, and wants to improve their skill level, there is only one way to become a better rider, and that is to ride with people that are better than you. If you can't find anyone better than you to ride with, you can pay a pro like Burandt or Rasmussen or Dan Adams to take you out and kick your but. You can go to the Polaris Assault camp, you can go to snocross riding schools, you can go to the snow shows, you can take avy courses, you can take snow stability courses out west, you can take survival courses, you can take first responder courses . Its all there for the people who want it.
Not trying to burst your bubble or squash your dreams, just trying to figure out exactly what your offering that isn't already there. Please --explain!

Its very simple... One venue, one event, one show, one school, multiple instuctors, lots of seminars and clinics from pro's and vendors showcasing all of what you just said and more. All at one place during the sled season, real life on the snow presentations from lots of different sources only focusing on mountain riding. Now thats an event I want to attend but there isn't one. Try and find that at any "one" event that you just mentioned. O.k, Mike Duffy does his avy class at some Snow Shows but where's the big seminar area where there's multiple speakers talking about a variety of topics and god for bid you try and find anything at most Snow Shows that have to do with mountain riding, except for Engleharts BCA Avy packs and Tracker Beacons. Ski-doo didn't even have a Summit at this years Milwaukee Snow Show, that bummed me out. Where the dudes setting up a turbo or nitrous on my sled, helping me dial it in, having snow to test it on. I'm glad I passed up this years Haydays cause that was chaos. But again where's all of the schooling going on there? Its a huge event for snowmobiling but where's the "age old" Trade Show seminar area, clinic area, instuructional area there isn't one. Go to any other sports clinic or most all trade shows and you will have multiple coaches, speakers, instuctors to learn as much as you can in the shortest amount of time. Its not a new concept that I have thought of but it is a new concept to the snowmobiling indutry. Snoluver1 you are a very knowledgable rider, I can tell that from all of the posts you have done here on JD so lets not make this harder than it needs to be, actually if an event like this can be organized I would think that you as a snowmobiler would be jumping for joy just to see another "Sled Industry" event happen, especially one dedicated to mountain riding only. Also, obviously this is something that is very hard to put together for this year seeing as how the season is well underway but if not a late season event then I hope to have all ducks in a row for next sled season, no hurry here - I do already know how to ride and use all mountain safety equipment. I do own the schooled video's but that does'nt matter. I can watch lots of fishing video's but actually doing it in real life is much different. Nothing, absolutely no school can compare to actual on the sled riding time. I hope I have explained enough that all confusion is gone cause its not something that should be confusing at all.
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Staff member
Sorry guys.

Had to delete a few posts as things were getting a bit too personal. Hope you can understand.

Feel free to carry on and have at it via e mail, or the bicycle rack behind school or what have you! ;)



Active member
Well, if you can get all that put together under one roof and on one mountain side, sure I'd be interested. Sounds like a good show. Good luck with your venture and let us know when you have it all worked out.


Well-known member
Can someone give me the cliffnotes version of what went down here? I'm busy with work stuff after a few days of riding.... and a bent a-arm. uggggh!


New member
Chris, I have never met you personally but your passion for the outdoors rings true in my heart! I love the outdoors!!! If I could be in a boat or behind my handle bars on the sled half as much as you I would be in heaven. You make something like this happen and people will show up. Knowledge is power and it takes us a far as we want to go and beyond. I learn more about fishing with different guides and individuals than I could ever learn by reading a magazine or watching a fishing show and the same goes for sledding. I got into mountain riding last year with my first trip to Tog. I have a ton to learn in regards to safety and technique. I hope to take my first avalanche class next year(missed out this year). Sold my 136" and jumped to 151" summit. So far I love it. Can't wait to take it to the mountains this year. Just one trip for me if I am lucky. I know from first hand experience that events like this work. I grew up fishing with the Grandparents and had many days on the dock with full stringers of blue gills. At age 9 I went to a camp in Walker MN put on by In-Fisherman called Camp Fish. That was over 20 years ago and I still remember it like yesterday. I loved it!!! Went four years in a row for a week at a time. Fished with pros like AL Linder and Babe ad many others. Learned and watched from the best!!!

This can happen and If I can help at all I am all ears. Hope to meet you and lay down some tracks in the BC sometime. Keep up the good work!!!



Active member
Can someone give me the cliffnotes version of what went down here? I'm busy with work stuff after a few days of riding.... and a bent a-arm. uggggh!

haha! Carnage!! Nice job Keith! Rock?, Power line cable support?, tree?, or pulling it off the trailer?


New member
Thats a great idea!!!they only thing is.....You goto Tog for 5 days a ride behind a Guide you become a better rider every time you do this....taking in everything they havce to offer is the way to go......Chirs B get 600$ a day for that!!!his calendar is booked all the way to april so I dont think it would be something he would do!!!!!

I agree 100% with you on that one Carter! If you remember correctly we were the group from wisco with a girl named shelly. The two days we rode with you she turned into one **** of a rider! I highly recommend the tml guides, we will be hopefully booking you again for this years trip!


Well-known member
haha! Carnage!! Nice job Keith! Rock?, Power line cable support?, tree?, or pulling it off the trailer?

Tree, not looking forward and I was either looking back at someone or scoping lines. No cool story behind this dumb move LOL. All of my hairy stuff had no carnage... figures.


Well-known member
Please tell me the cam was ON for this one event and that you'll post it! :D

I think it was but am not sure. I had the cam on 70% of the time that day but left it off for some cool stuff... grrrrr!

I found when riding with Keith you never turn off the camera and bring extra batteries for it. He's the reason I carry 2 extra 16MB sd cards. Anything can happen at anytime with him! :)

LMAO! WTH? I rarely wreck....


New member
Can someone give me the cliffnotes version of what went down here? I'm busy with work stuff after a few days of riding.... and a bent a-arm. uggggh!

Hey Cuz don't feel bad I hooked a rock while doing a small sidehill out in the Snowies a couple of weeks ago. Pretzeled my lower A-arm. I could obviously ride it out but had some pretty serious ski pressure on that side. Early season riding definetly has its disadvantages!! This thing was buried in the powder and only made a small hump in the snow, I was trying to miss one that was visible and caught another that I just didn't see... but my helmet cam did!! I just left my sled at Maverick's Motorsports in Wyoming and had them check it over for any further damage and get the parts to fix it. Got lucky it looks like, pretty minimal damage.
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H*ll Cat

New member
Mountain Riding School

Being from Utah (The Greatest Snow On Earth) I love the idea of a Mt. Riding School. Your idea sounds like the ATV Jamboree's that are held here. Having an all in one Riding School over like a 2 to 3 day event would be awesome. I would add a category for sledders to bring their "For Sale" items so riders can try it on for size, sleds, trailers, outfits, accessories, etc. An a category for physically challenged riders. Reading up on some of clinics & lessons they sound great, yet this being my first year on a New School sled (I've been riding since a child) I am not sure who's clinic would be the best techniques for me to learn & my husband rides a little different from me! So we could go somewhere & get the basics from several "teachers" then we would feel more comfortable spending the extra $$ for lessons. I know from the videos we purchased a lot of the Pro riders are from the Utah area, maybe consider Utah as an area to hold your event. Along with bringing in the big guns you'd get a lot of volunteer help since we have the highest volunteer hours in the nation, just look at how our Olympics went! In reading thru your posts you'd mentioned other sites that you were going to share here, yet I haven't seen them. Did you add them to a different post? I would be a strong supporter of this program so I could gain the confidence on my machine, like I felt on my 1980 El Tigre!