UFO Sighting


New member
Those spindles are HUGE!

Guess what caught my eye was the tooth pick thin a-arms. Wonder if it can take a hit or hold up to some ditchbanging ??? What happens when there is a front end mis-hap ? Hope they don't end up like an XP.... I kind of like the f-series a-arms better.


Well-known member
Why do so many doo guys think that some new sleds made by other manufacturers look like doo copies?


That rush looks exactly like a doo!!! That new cat looks exactly like a doo... What exactly makes it look like a doo?


Active member
Have fun cleaning the exhaust off that ugly white. You wouldn't be able to see it going down the trail. Just wear an all white suit and you'll look like a power ranger.


New member
Why do so many doo guys think that some new sleds made by other manufacturers look like doo copies?

Ever since Bombardier REVolutionized the way sleds ride, handle, and outperform everything made up until 2002, I would call every manufacturer a copycat in one way or another. The REV platform has changed the way all manufacturers build their machines now.