We all have our opinions, and we can all find data supporting them.
Do what you want with yours, and leave me and mine alone!
Spot on! You covered it well!
We all have our opinions, and we can all find data supporting them.
Do what you want with yours, and leave me and mine alone!
<br><br>Surgical doctors/nurses wear masks to keep droplets/particles out of open incisions, not to block viruses. They also wear them in a sterile environment, and don't wear the same mask across multiple patients. Pretty sure they don't wear a mask that's been hanging off their rearview mirror or stuffed their pocket for who knows how long, either.
Perhaps 3M will release such a statement? They've been in the bus for a very long time, with various mask types!
Perhaps 3M will release such a statement? They've been in the bus for a very long time, with various mask types!
<br><br>How about we change it to "face diaper" then? That work for you?<br>......What are these "Virtue signaling masks" that do not protect (us)?...
Nobody is saying that masks don't offer protection from certain hazards under certain circumstances. Of course they do. We are saying that the masks don't protect you from the SARS virus, because they don't. Got any more logical fallacies for us? Shirley, you can do better.
I'm still trying to figure out the title of this thread: "Virtue signaling masks do not protect you." What are these "Virtue signaling masks" that do not protect (us)? — I've never even heard of a "Virtue signaling mask"! (I would include an appropriate emoji here, but what's the point, it won't work with the screwed up current state of this forum.)
Had a few cocktails did we gg?*
He might be hammered, but he still makes more sense than the F-tards who wear face diapers and have unsafe "vaccines" injected
He might be hammered, but he still makes more sense than the F-tards who wear face diapers and have unsafe "vaccines" injected
Life is about choices. Being a judgemental Richard Head is one of them. I don't wear a mask unless I have to, and I am choosing to not get vaccinated. I know a lot of people who are vaccinated, I know a lot of people who wear the mask religiously. I'm not going to judge them because of it though, because I don't want them to judge me by my choices.
<br><br>Please tone it down, be respectful of others. Consider this your one and only warning shot across the bow. <br><br>-John<br>He might be hammered, but he still makes more sense than the F-tards who wear face diapers and have unsafe "vaccines" injected
Life is about choices. Being a judgemental Richard Head is one of them. I don't wear a mask unless I have to, and I am choosing to not get vaccinated. I know a lot of people who are vaccinated, I know a lot of people who wear the mask religiously. I'm not going to judge them because of it though, because I don't want them to judge me by my choices.