Was Steve Avery proved guilty?


New member
I say he was not PROVED to be guilty. I'm not saying that he wasn't guilty I'm just saying that the State of Wisconsin did not prove him guilty in my opinion. Once again, my opinion only, employees of the Manitowoc County Sheriffs Office appeared to plant the evidence against Avery to help sway public opinion against him.
I know the show was on over a month ago but I wanted to get opinions of others without hijacking a different thread where the topic was brought up.
So what's your thought???


I agree with you Ramsey. Not guilty!!!! No way did the state prove him guilty. Was a great documentary in my opinion.


Well-known member
of course, he is innocent as a kitty on fire!. the show said so and the show clearly presented both sides, otherwise the show would be boring. superman shows kick as.s too!
he'd do well to move south of the cheddar border once the petitions spring him free to spread that gene pool into a different inbred society. We need a better super inbred human race...WISCO needs to franchise its gene pool.
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Staff member
The documentary did a great job of showing a side of the case that was never really shown, or talked about, during the actual trial.


Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt for sure. If you don't believe he killed her, I hope you're on my jury should I ever find myself facing murder charges.

She was at his house, not seen alive after that, and he called her 2 hours after she arrived at his house not blocking his number like he did the previous 2 times he called her before she arrived. And, oh yeah, they found her body and personal belongings on his property. A mountain of physical and circumstantial evidence for sure.

On a related note, a man was murdered in Manitowoc last weekend and I heard the local PD has named Avery as a prime suspect. lol


A jury said he is guilty. Ramsey Maybe you should look at the evidence instead of a one sided made for money and TV show. Your opinion does not matter in this case It does not matter what YOU think. That piece of sheet will never see his freedom again. It does not matter how many people saw that TV show or signed a petition. After that scumbag dies he will go to **** and finally get what he deserves.


In my opinion this is not a discussion needs to be on a snowmobile site. But wherever it shows up I will always speak up for Teresa and her family.


Well-known member
Machzee, this is a discussion board and it's fine for people to discuss ideas, although it probably should be under " Off topic ramblings." Also, why should your opinion matter more than his? So by your logic, machzee, your opinion doesn't matter either. As far as being guilty or innocent, very few were in the court room nor being present for the crime so most likely we will never find out the actual truth.


durphee His opinion does not matter because it wont change a thing. I could care less what you think about my opinion. And how do you know how many people were in the courtroom were you there or did you see that on your TV show not that it matters the jury was there and he was proven guilty.


I hope it wasn't the same jury that found him "guilty" of the sexual assault 18 years prior. Anyone with any common sense can determine that the defense provided enough evidence of wrong doing, that it would seem realistic that a jury could not honestly convict a man beyond all reasonable doubt. As a person that has a "tight" connection with a person that works with DNA everyday and testifies in court on a regular basis on her findings, she says it is IMPOSSIBLE to find only his DNA on a car key and absolutely no blood residue in a room where someone was allegedly dismembered. I am leaning towards the fact that he is guilty but Johnny Law did not have the evidence to prove it, so some unethical tactics were used.


Well-known member
I am watching the OJ tv series right now and he sure looks guilty to me. I guess tv can make anyone look guilty or innocent.


A friend of mine who was working for calumet county police dept at the time sat through most of the hearings. He states, no doubt he is guilty. The show is one sided.


Some people think Charles Manson is not guilty. Soon enough Charles Manson ,Steve Avery and OJ will share a cell together. TV can make anybody look good or bad just look at the political process going on right now. A lot of people will vote according to what other people think without getting the facts for themselves. Those people are usually the ones with the biggest mouths.


Would I want Avery marrying my sister? Heck no. But anyone who has ever sat on a jury knows that the rule is, put your personal feelings aside and only go by the facts brought to light in the trial. Every jury I sat in seemed more interested about coming to a quick decision and getting home to enjoy the rest of their day than justice. All things being equal, would they had found.... say a young attractive female school teacher who volunteers at the local homeless shelter guilty using the exact same evidence that was presented in this trial?

Attak man

New member
Good grief....not this stupid one sided tv show again....smh...AVERY is guilty!!! Period!!
I feel sorry for Teresa's family...they should sue the film makers...so much evidence that people keep over looking, or ignoring...not everything is a conspiracy.


Well-known member
Good grief....not this stupid one sided tv show again....smh...AVERY is guilty!!! Period!!
I feel sorry for Teresa's family...they should sue the film makers...so much evidence that people keep over looking, or ignoring...not everything is a conspiracy.



Active member
Guilty or not, one thing the show proved is the corruption a municipality can have. Not once, but twice! It will be interesting with this new lawyer he has.


Guilty or not, one thing the show proved is the corruption a municipality can have. Not once, but twice! It will be interesting with this new lawyer he has.

And unless there is new evidence, it won't matter what lawyer he has. Now with Brandon, I think you could state he did not have good representation.


What I would like to know is how many of you have ever talked to any of Steves family? I have I worked with one of his family members and that person did not have any kind words to speak of him or what he had done. How many of you have talked to any of his old friends? I have and that person did not have anything good to say about Steve. And how many of you actually followed the trial? I did. The makers of the TV show that so many of you watched would not even comment when asked if they thought he was guilty. What's up with that. Some of his own children think he is guilty. Did the Sheriff plant evidence? I do not know. Is he GUILTY absolutely. That Monster raped , tortured, Murdered and then tried to hide and cover up his madness for that he will pay with his sole. I hope all this crap blows over soon so Teresas family can move on. RIP Teresa Halbach.