Watch out for DNR poaching sledders at Mass/Rockland area stop signs


New member

That is one spot I count on seeing the DNR. Not too often but it is the only spot I have seen them there more than once. They like that spot, for obvious reasons! Most of the UP seems pretty DNR free. I bet I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I've seen them up there, and I've seen them in that spot 3 times! Ok I can think of 6 times, 2 times near twin lakes, once south of sidnaw and there! I try not to roll thru but it does happen, I guess it's the same as a car, It is illegal, ya it sucks but all it takes is once to roll thru too fast and bam, its all over. Ride Safe!


Too Funny!!!

Footinforever, that is hilarious! You roll thru as many stops as you can, then sign off by saying "ride safe"!! LOL


along the same direction as Skylar....last week i was driving thru Twin Lakes when a sled came flying out of Krupps Mini Mart lot toward M26. I was going north. He stopped however I am sure his skis were well into my lane.

From my perspective, there was no indication this fast moving sled was planning on (or even able to) stop. I was VERY close when he did this. I slammed the brakes, swerved to the southbound lanes and braced for what I was sure was going to be a deadly accident.

He stopped, so did my heart. I nearly lost control (roads were moderatly slick). I nearly left something in my shorts, could have lost control of my ride, risked an accident with oncoming traffic (to swerve right would have meant taking out other sleds).

Part of me understands...sleds can stop fast and I am sure this dude knew what he was doing. No way for me to have a clue that he even saw the sign or planned on stopping....heck, for all I knew his throttle might have been stuck...I had to react.

Lets just say once the heart mouth got the best of me driving down the road.

Sounds like you were driving too fast and not able to make a safe stop when needed. Maybe they should lowwer the speed limit along that stretch of road. I think the police need to be patroling the roads in that area to watch for cars/trucks driving too fast for the conditions!

Sorry...had to do it! Since everyone else here likes to be the trail police, moral police, or whatever, I just felt left out. :l)


You know after re-reading that post I think they need to install speed bumps on that stretch of road so vechile traffic slows down.


Well-known member

Footinforever, that is hilarious! You roll thru as many stops as you can, then sign off by saying "ride safe"!! LOL

Footinforever rides (THE PIG) MXZXPX800r in our group & only gets 10 MPG sooooooooooo he is thinking green LOL. We have to map gas stops per the (THE PIG) other 2ea 4s get 15MPG. Sorry Ryan I couldn't resist. :>) Back to subject we roll & we stop & we know stop means stop so we agree if we get ticket we deserved it no bitchin from us. We do ride safe & wear vests but admitt we do roll some stops. Nobody stops for all stops in 300 mile day trip in UP. Thanks for heads up makes all think about doing better at stop signs.


not too fast for conditions....

i did not lose control but for sure had the fear that i would. i did slide some however even on dry pavement stopping or moving would have been an issue. i would say i was inside of 25yds of this vehicle when this rider flew to the road. at 50mph (my aprx speed) that is 73 feet per takes about 1/2 second for a driver to identify a problem and another 1/2 second to start depress the brakes or respond (i teach driver ed). i would have hit him even before i started to actually slow.

i was not speeding and speed of my vehicle was not the factor. as i said, i am sure the rider knew exactly what was going down....he did nothing illegal, nor did i. does not change the fact that in my seat i was scared and forced to respond.

all of us have been in a position where a car at a stop sign races up to the stop and you are not sure they will stop. Same thing.

4 yrs ago this month, this precise thing happened to me. southbound on 17 just south of Eagle River doing 60mph. truck blew a stop sign, i saw her almost as i entered the intersection. two Chevy 1/2 ton extended cabs were destroyed, wife and i had to be rescued, spent a week in the hospital, have had numerous surgeries and now hurt 24/7.

lower speed limit or speed bumps???? a joke i am sure.


not too fast for conditions....

i did not lose control but for sure had the fear that i would. i did slide some however even on dry pavement stopping or moving would have been an issue. i would say i was inside of 25yds of this vehicle when this rider flew to the road. at 50mph (my aprx speed) that is 73 feet per takes about 1/2 second for a driver to identify a problem and another 1/2 second to start depress the brakes or respond (i teach driver ed). i would have hit him even before i started to actually slow.

If you would have hit him, who do you think would have been cited?



Any vehicle that enters a roadway from stop sign, driveway or parking lot must yield to the traffic on the roadway.


It was just a question, not a statement, however I do think there is a chance you may have been cited. Not saying I agree with that.

Makes me think of an accident a year ago just up the road from me. The driver will be sentenced on Monday. Will probably go to jail for the rest of his life. Countless witnesses saw the little Kia blow right through the stop sign, but since the driver of the full size Chevy pick up was drinking, he's automatically at fault. Five people in the car, seven counts of homicide, (Two pregnant teenage daughters).


I apreciate(sp) the first post of this thread for its intent to alert people of the danger of rolling stops(I am guilty also).
Most of the rest of this thread is gabage.


Active member
" They (DNR) are getting very tricky! "

Nothing new, they are good at out-smarting all the dummies that think they are smart.

Just read the Weekly DNR reports.

And they love to use binoculars as another tool.


Yes I was joking. This site has seemed to be going down hill very fast this year. Everyone wants to preach and be the trail police, the moral police, or whatever. They must always remind others they are riding too fast or doing this or that! They almost got killed their last trip and it goes on and on. Its a shame because the site has changed...and not for the better. But this seems to happen to every good site once the membership goes up.


New member
This past Saturday, a few guys in my group and I are riding back to cabin after long day playing in the woods up at Twin Lakes and a short stop Tiges. We are on trail 13 where it runs along M-26 between Mass and Rockland. The trail crosses Aspen Lane, a dead end road that is not used much by the looks of it. We had been doing rolling stops there all week. This time, it is dark, no sign of headlights from either side of the road, so I put a little more roll in my stop than usual, as do the guys following me. Well, by the time we get a quarter mile further where the trail crosses M-26, there is a DNR truck blocking the trail with lights a blazing. Another one hangs back and puts the spot light on the guys in the rear of the group to make sure none of the guys turn tail and run I guess. It was a pretty slick operation. Apparently, both trucks were staked out on Aspen Lane, lights out, and watched as we went through. The lead three of us get reckless operation citations for $135 each. We definitely did not stop and I'm not saying we didn't deserve a ticket, although I don't think under the circumstances we were particularly "reckless". Just want to give you guys riding in that area a heads up. The C.O. was a little apologetic and said there have been some recent accidents in the area, implying to me they are getting pressure to show a presence. Have fun out there!
I purely lucked out on Sunday at the same stop sign. I clearly blew it with brakes locked up. the State Police and DNR both sitting there did nothing. My heart came out of my chest. I stopped clearly on the other side. Jumped off and started waving to the 10 others behind me to stop. They did. No tickets. I did the "Oopsy!" and they let me slide.
On Monday I remembered to stop (in time) and they where not there. It clearly was a great location for them to set and write tickets. Moral of the story: Even in the heat of our passion stop still means STOP!


New member
Yes, it amazes me how some are always so prudish and all ways near a horrific
near death incident and how often they have to repeat them.


New member
WOW.......truly amazing how fast some people are to blast someone for trying to warn others.........obviously we all know stop means stop and summit admits that himself.......i make my living on these roads and surely i would never want anyone to run a stop sign......but i cant imagine there is anyone that can HONESTLY say they have NEVER rolled a stop sign. If you can well congrats your PERFECT!!!!!!!!! but i dont believe you.


New member


New member
Yes I was joking. This site has seemed to be going down hill very fast this year. Everyone wants to preach and be the trail police, the moral police, or whatever. They must always remind others they are riding too fast or doing this or that! They almost got killed their last trip and it goes on and on. Its a shame because the site has changed...and not for the better. But this seems to happen to every good site once the membership goes up.

I don't see this site going down hill at all. We got over 11,000 possible views on a topic. Don't expect them all to be the same as yours. I belong to six sled discussion boards. This is heads above the rest for good general information. Some are better at technical stuff, some are better at chit chat. But John Dee is still on the core of it and at the heart of snowmobiling. As far as this thread. It is based on facts.


New member
I've been running trail #2 west out of Iron River for years, plenty of yield signs for the drive way crossings, never seen a soul cross in front of me except once. I wasn't being riding slow, lucky for me the truck was driving defensively. There's a reason when I go to mark trails we put the signs where we do and I'm going learn to obey the signs.

Wishing I was on my Harley