Well we got this much done.... New groomer barn for the Sno-Gophers!!


Well-known member
Our club roughed in the floor heat but has never hooked it up. It’s beyond me why they don’t finish it off. Our groomers go out twice a day often and so many times I get in and the drag has packed ice all over the cutters, pan full of ice which is hundreds of pounds at times. The cost and recovery of the heat is far superior over any other heat source and yet we deal with all the mess and inconvenience. It’s hard to change the mind of older folks who are so used to the “same old same old”.

Oh I don't disagree Lenny. We run a different schedule than you guys UP there. One shift per day. So gets some hours of thaw time. Spray foam and infloor heat are the best ways to do it. If covid wouldn't have shut our gambling down for almost a year it would have been easier to spend the money....

old abe

Well-known member
8 bucks more a sq ft so no. Plus the price of the boiler. It was $30,000 upgrade. Big tube heater hanging in the peak. Plenty good. Mini split for the office with a couple electric base board heaters to help. Done. It's plenty good

Whoa 30K? That's a lot of "cabbage, eh! That seems to be some what extreme? However very glad to see you getting a good groomer building what ever kind of heat used! Perhaps, the "pex" is much higher $$$ than the continuous tubing designed for in floor heat? My son also used the larger than normal sized tubing? Nothing compares to in floor efficiency in operating costs once installed. Our church was built in 1957 with in floor heat designed in. Good old German elders/trustees ingenuity? Nothing better for thawing out cars, trucks, or any kind of equipment in cold wet, snowy weather! Seems to be much less internal hydraulic/transmission condensation contamination with in floor heat. My son repairs construction/farm equipment as a business.