What conditions do you have to have in order to ride?


My snowmobiles have not come off the trailer once this year. With 1.5 months of winter gone, what are your requirements for conditions. (Excellent, very good, good, fair, poor)

I am on the fence right now. I will take fair conditions, some snirt, rocks, leaves, and sticks. I will not take bare ground and bare roads. Normally when I go up north I want the good, very good, and excellent, but this winter is sucking balls, and the way i see it, the more I wait for the right conditions, the sooner spring comes.


New member
I've been on excellent conditions a LOT this year. I won't ride on poor unless it's the best option which I've had to deal with this year.

I need a nice 4" base for a trail and about 12" for powder.


If we get to 5" here in N IL, thats the conditions I will need. Sled still has a blankie on from summer nap, ready to rip it off and go for a spin soon. Up north, I like the trails covered with some lube before We will make the trek. Doesnt have to be powder over the hood. Just lubeworthy.


New member
I feel your pain. I no longer own simply ride the inlaws or rent when I go up to their home near the u.p. Its bad when a winter is so bad that renting a sled to even ride is a questionable hassle. I hate to say it but this is just another reminder that for me "this is the right time to no longer own my own sled". I MISS it imensly!!!!! Just the rush of hangin in the garage and messing with them and dreaming of those awesome days on the trails it alone is enough to miss owning and riding. For me it was a simple decision of was it really worth it!!!! With a young family and kids that are in EVERY activity under the sun, the RELENTLESS hassle of timing weather and conditions, to the sheer cost end of things right now I sold out four years ago. I will own again NO DOUBT ABOUT IT...... I already dream of what sled I will buy for myself and what we will buy for the wife. That day will come sooner than one thinks. My plan is to move up near my wifes parents once our kids are done with high school. T minus 8 years and counting. LOL.....

Anyways back to your topic I am with you if I was planning a trip north I would want good to excellent conditions. But I must admit that my group of guys that took 3-4 trips yearly had some pretty good trips riding a little rock, twigs and the occassional bare spot on the road. Its all in what you make it. **** we had some great day trips simply ditch bangin and riding fields back in illinois. As my one riding buddy famously coined the phrase "F#@% IT???? Lets just ride"!!!!! Pretty much sums it up.......

The way this winter is going (and going fast by the end of the 11-16 day outlook most of January will be done) I thing I would take whatever riding conditions I could if i wanted to get some trips and miles under my belt this year.

Deep Trails to all


New member
I'll ride when the trails officially open up. Which means we need a minimum of 6" here in southern WI. Six inches of this fluffy stuff will last about 3 passes with a sled, then poof, gone, with bare ground. I aint complaining though, it's a start.


New member
When you live downstate and don't have the opportunity to head north very often, you take what you can get! You might get done with your ride and have a few corn stalks wrapped around your skis, a little more wear on your hyfax then normal, but you ride when you can! Right now if 2 snowflakes come together in the backyard, I'm going to be all over them! I don't care if it's groomed trails or wheat stubble, just bring some snow!


Active member
I Guess I'm Spoiled

Since I retired and moved from the ditch and corn field riding in IA, now in NW WI I can be picky when I ride since the trails are out my front door. BUT I choose not to ride til Groomer Hubby goes out and does his job, which hasn't happened yet this year. Only have 3 inches here in Iron River WI and hubby is in Ia this weekend anyway. SO no riding for me til the snow flies alittle bit harder and Hubby gets back to groom my way!

Team Elkhorn

Ill wait 3 or 4 days after the trails open before I ride. I wait for the die hard guys to go out first and knock down the mud clumps and pack the snow. Then the groomers go out and do their magic.


Well-known member
when your lugs are 2.4 running crap is more or less not a option.
and if I am to be grounded to trail only I will save my time off and gas and wait till there is rideable snow