What do you think is the Best Helmet to buy for Snowmobiling?


New member
I love my 509 goggles and 509 evolution helmet, they are a perfect combination and I never got cold, and I was up in the UP that one weekend last year when it was below zero for highs the whole time, and like -20 at night. Other guys I was riding with had full face and different open faces, and they got some frost bite. I was perfectly fine. Very good combination I have a set of black ops polarized aviators for the daytime, and a set of sinister x5's for the night time. I ran a Arctic Cat open face last year some, with the 509 goggles, and that worked good as well.

The modular ski doo helmet is probably the best full face helmet though IMO. I had a arctic cat txi helmet a couple of years ago, and they fog up really bad, If you don't have an electric shield with one of those on a cold day your gonna have a miserable day of riding.


I don't know, everyone has their own opinion on whats best out there. I guess it's whatever suits your style of riding and what conditions you ride in. There are many hemets that perform well and have certain advantages over others. My wife and I both purchased Gmax 54s modular helmets two years ago at the snow show and couldn't be more pleased with them. They both came with heated shields and were about $200 each. Probably the warmest and most comfortable helmet I ever owned. Last year I never plugged in the shield and never fogged up, great ventilation throughout. My wife plugs in all the time because she does not use the breath deflecter. Main thing is get one that fits your style, thats what I tell my friends.


Well-known member
I don't know, everyone has their own opinion on whats best out there.

Isn't it kind of ironic how everyone used to have all these "full face" helmets, the bv2s, the modular, you name it they had it, and now own an open face and haven't returned. Don't see anybody going from open back to full.


Well-known member
Isn't it kind of ironic how everyone used to have all these "full face" helmets, the bv2s, the modular, you name it they had it, and now own an open face and haven't returned. Don't see anybody going from open back to full.

Also, you don't need to spend a bunch of money on the "best" to get a good helmet/goggle combo. I have had an HJC helmet with Scott goggles for years and have never had an issue. Only spent $200 on the pair.


I spent the big bucks on my new one because of the weight. That 1100 grams is going to make a night and day difference how I can ride! Plus it looks good. Now if I can only drop 10 lbs from my waste, I will really be able to throw that sled around


New member
Also, you don't need to spend a bunch of money on the "best" to get a good helmet/goggle combo. I have had an HJC helmet with Scott goggles for years and have never had an issue. Only spent $200 on the pair.

X2 Have the same set up for the past 5 yrs. Works great but might upgrade after this season as they say you should upgrade a helmet every 5 yrs.

Now if I can only drop 10 lbs from my waste, I will really be able to throw that sled around



New member
I've been riding for years with an Arctic Cat TXI heated shield helmet, did the job well, whether 40 or -20. Gonna try an Arctic Cat Snocross helmet and 509 aviators this year, see if they hold up as well.


Well-known member
I generally ride trails, and haven't had any issues with the standard closed face HJC helmets. About $100. Snell rated. I buy a new shield every 3-4 years for $30. Only time I don't like it is when I get off trail, then I crack it a little on the bottom.

I'm tempted to try out when on these new fangled open face helmets, but I'm not sold yet that they are warm. If Indy says so, maybe they are. I know he rides more trail miles than just about anyone.


Well-known member
I generally ride trails, and haven't had any issues with the standard closed face HJC helmets. About $100. Snell rated. I buy a new shield every 3-4 years for $30. Only time I don't like it is when I get off trail, then I crack it a little on the bottom.

I'm tempted to try out when on these new fangled open face helmets, but I'm not sold yet that they are warm. If Indy says so, maybe they are. I know he rides more trail miles than just about anyone.

Not warm or fun if not matched well been there done that mod much more fool proof but to each is own use what is best for you.
I'm thinking about making the switch back to open face, which I haven't worn for years after a couple bad experiences. I know technology has improved since then. My question is what are you honestly getting from the more expensive open faced helmets like the 509 or HMK that you aren't getting from the cheaper HJC like this one.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/HJC-CL-X6-M..._Merchandise&var=&hash=item25846414ec&vxp=mtr

They both seem to offer the same cold weather protection. I completely understand not buying crappy goggles as they make a difference in keeping your face and eyes warm and protected. But I'm not sure about spending an extra $100+ on the helmet???


I like the breath boxes that snap in. I think that one held in by Velco® would fall out and get lost. Other than that....better to bring your goggles and make sure they fit the helmet.


New member
I generally ride trails, and haven't had any issues with the standard closed face HJC helmets. About $100. Snell rated. I buy a new shield every 3-4 years for $30. Only time I don't like it is when I get off trail, then I crack it a little on the bottom.

I'm tempted to try out when on these new fangled open face helmets, but I'm not sold yet that they are warm. If Indy says so, maybe they are. I know he rides more trail miles than just about anyone.

I have had an open face for the last couple of years now 509, and have never been cold once. I will never go back to an open face. I put on 3500 trail miles last year. And some off trail, I don't know how many off trail miles.


Well-known member
I'm thinking about making the switch back to open face, which I haven't worn for years after a couple bad experiences. I know technology has improved since then. My question is what are you honestly getting from the more expensive open faced helmets like the 509 or HMK that you aren't getting from the cheaper HJC like this one.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/HJC-CL-X6-M..._Merchandise&var=&hash=item25846414ec&vxp=mtr

They both seem to offer the same cold weather protection. I completely understand not buying crappy goggles as they make a difference in keeping your face and eyes warm and protected. But I'm not sure about spending an extra $100+ on the helmet???

That helmet is snell-rated, so you aren't going to pick up anything in terms of protection. Not sure about comfort, etc.

Next time we ride out West (hopefully the winter after this one) is when I'll probably give the open face a try, because that's the only place I had trouble with my closed face. It's almost suffocating to use out there unless you open the shield a little.