looks like a message board to me! i'll like the better search and more organized approach. plus pics should be nice and easy for most everyone now. no excuses!
Now after checking, are the sigsnatures, avatars, etc going to stay turned off?
If your name has imported in front of it, it will be fixed, there are a few that imported like this. Just give it some time and the few bugs will be worked out.
Like that it will be easier to load pics and search, but not the biggest fan of this format. Enjoyed the old forum because it was different looking then all others...
I like the new board but last time I visited I was not born yet. lol
Welcome, jbs.
You last visited: 01-01-1970 at 12:00 AM
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why can't i view pics anymore.....what's up with that?? Going to take some time to get used to this. Sure it will be easier from management standpoint but i'm just going to have to figure it out on this end....lol