What happened to the sayner pub thread?


New member

I would of liked to hear from someone that was in the bar also. Can't believe no one from the bar gets on this site??


Well-known member
They took it off I think he should of gave his story and scanned the police report. It most likely happened but how he wrote everything it was one sided. But if it is true I do not think that bartender should be there, I actually like the Sayner Pub.


Well-known member
They deleted it after Al got sick & ubee invited me to lunch at the Pub. Saftey in numbers you know. Go figure? lol This one is probably doomed too.


Well-known member
what is it called when some one or a group dose not like what is in print so they destroy that print.I think it starts with a c


New member
2500 views in 24 hrs!! this site has some traffic

I got the word out. This should of never happened, I don't care who you are. Vilas county sheriffs web site sucks by the way! they could update it. Info is from 2007


Staff member
Pretty simple really. I deleted it because it broke one of the rules of the board.



Well-known member
Things started getting goofy light hearted fun simular to "knuckle sandwich" but not sure what rule was broken as 2 pub threads going at same time? Which rule John? A teachable moment if you wish to follow up?


Staff member
The rule about bashing. Especially in the case where the story is one sided. Not saying I think the story is bogus, but without any proof I am not going to let a business or person get slammed.



Well-known member
The rule about bashing. Especially in the case where the story is one sided. Not saying I think the story is bogus, but without any proof I am not going to let a business or person get slammed.


Very true was bashing without proof or hearing both sides & always 2 sides to a story. I raised 4 daughters so always needed to hear all info then sort out. lol.


New member
Good call John! I read that thread last nite and thought. NOT GOOD. Just got back from that area and heard several versions of the story. I even saw a pic of the guy that got hit. All I can say is OUCH! I heard the story from a pretty reliable source. Family member of the guy that got hit. All over $11 in change. Please dont fault Sayner Pub. Not their fault just cause they employed a hothead. One local told me that the reason why they hired him was to keep any problems from happening. Hopefully.... he is no longer employed there.


Good call John! I read that thread last nite and thought. NOT GOOD. Just got back from that area and heard several versions of the story. I even saw a pic of the guy that got hit. All I can say is OUCH! I heard the story from a pretty reliable source. Family member of the guy that got hit. All over $11 in change. Please dont fault Sayner Pub. Not their fault just cause they employed a hothead. One local told me that the reason why they hired him was to keep any problems from happening. Hopefully.... he is no longer employed there.

Unfortunately, when a business....any business, hires a guy that goes postal as "alledgedly" happened in this case, it reflects on the business, and they can assume some degree of liability. What degree of liability is determined by law enforcement and the legal system.

This guy better not be employed there anymore, no matter what the other side of the story might be. This ain't the stone age anymore where we run around with clubs, unless it's the inner city of Milw., they're still in the medieval age down there.