What happened to the sayner pub thread?


New member
Place is packed.did not seem to hurt business at all. If anything lots of sledders doing their own CSI !


New member
who would be liable in a case like that, I am sure the bar has liability insurance just a awful situation hopefully the bar can move on and continue business but it seems like a case like this if everything they said is true would be shut down.


Well-known member
Naw, Sayner Pub alive & well like ubee said. Stuff happens in bars. I won't say where" NOT SAYNER PUB" but years ago when I used to drink 2 guys rolled under my table duking it out. We pushed our chairs back & I grabbed a full pitcher beer off the table as table was launched. No use wasting good beer while these 2 fools punch each other out. They rolled around for a while until their buds broke it up. Last saw them walking arm & arm out the door with big welts on their faces.... Just shows how stupid fighting is.
rest of the story

okay here it is.... two pieces of rope go into the SAYNER PUB....bartender says "we dont serve your type here!"...they leave and go outside to unwind the ends of themselves and tie themselves together... then they go back into the bar and bartender says "HEY!! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TWO TO ROPES TO LEAVE!"
the ropes say......................................................................


Well-known member
okay here it is.... two pieces of rope go into the SAYNER PUB....bartender says "we dont serve your type here!"...they leave and go outside to unwind the ends of themselves and tie themselves together... then they go back into the bar and bartender says "HEY!! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TWO TO ROPES TO LEAVE!"
the ropes say......................................................................

Hey it better snow pretty darn soon cause I'm laughing at that.


New member

I understand John. I would of loved to hear the bartenders reason why he would hit a customer though. I see your guest bartending soon.


New member
Mums the word here it seems,but even being the northwoods up here most places have cams to keep tabs on the place.may well prove out what really happened and only time will tell! Kinda like putting a trail cam over a fresh deer kill and waiting for the cougar to show up!


Well-known member
it dose not matter what happened the end of the story is a employee hit a customer lawsuit over


New member
I dont know if custmers is always right in Wi. if he comes behind the bar!maybe video would show this!JD right pulling that post cause one sided bashing and nothing in local news or tv. I will keep checking vilas county court report for any updates!


New member
I switched this year to the Sharks cause they have better looking sweaters and Joe Pevelsky from Stevenspoint LOL! see the Hawks dropped another one! GO Sharks!