Is that the cool thing to do now or what? I noticed alot of people have team names? I think I might try to talk my group into getting a team name if thats the COOOOOOLLLL thing to do now.. I ride with a few differnt guys with differnt riding styles. Willbert- he has a picked out turbo 87 yamaha phazer.. This sled screams across the lake. He is a lake racer and a river rat. also likes to ride trails but loves the pow. Nate-he likes to let people knows he means business.. He lives down south and loves to rip that 151 mountian sled in 3in of snow.. He likes the pow also.. Ryan- He is a mid week rider who loves to hit them bumps on his pro ride skidoo xps.. He rides hard.. Learned from one of the greats Justin time. Justin time- He likes the twistys he is a great rider but dosent like to leave the county. Spends most of his day and night in the tavern drinking non alchoalic ruplements and soda.. We are a sober free riding team. We have one girl in the group her name is sadonia- she likes to hit it hard in and around mass city she loves power lines and ditch banging.. Oh cant forget our last rider Dwyane_ He is all about the mountians he is a polaris rider and likes to ride or die.. we have a guy who likes to tag along sometimes too his name is craig He races the number 20 for the speedway here in town. He is down rite an aggresive rider an loves water.. SOOO Team names what do you guys think for a name..