Whats your favorite snowmobile mag?


American Snowmobiler. Good articles and very good and detailed snowmobile test results on the snow in real world conditions. They post a dyno figures on sled engines also which is always interesting.
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Active member
The only 2 I bother with anymore are snowtech and snowest, in that order. I used to REALLY love snowest, but it sure has gone soft over the years. Unfortunately its the only rag out there that focuses solely on mt sleds. Unless someone knows of another??


Well-known member
Down to American Snowmobiler & Snow Tech let Snow Goer lapse this time as other 2 discuss same subjects as Snow Goer & Goer was getting thin.


Well-known member
Down to American Snowmobiler & Snow Tech let Snow Goer lapse this time as other 2 discuss same subjects as Snow Goer & Goer was getting thin.

The thin doesn't bother me, american snowmobiler doesnt have ANYTHING bad to say about any new sleds or products. They post totally whacked out dyno #'s that aren't anywhere close. Snow Goer aint much better, but IMO it gets the tip of the cap...


Well-known member
snowtech. thinking about trying out a subscription to snowest. Used to read snowgoer, but lost interest.


New member
I get them all. They all have there good and bad points. I love SuperTrax "No Bull" early issue, however their customer service is bad. No way to check account status on line, never return phone calls, and it arrives in your mail after it hits the news stands. American Snowmobiler will never pick a sled in "head to head" comparison tests."If you are this kind of a rider then you will like this sled, if you are that kind of a rider then you will like that sled".


Well-known member
I get them all. They all have there good and bad points. I love SuperTrax "No Bull" early issue, however their customer service is bad. No way to check account status on line, never return phone calls, and it arrives in your mail after it hits the news stands. American Snowmobiler will never pick a sled in "head to head" comparison tests."If you are this kind of a rider then you will like this sled, if you are that kind of a rider then you will like that sled".

That reminds me of how Sledhead 24/7 reviews sleds: "If you're a Polaris mountain rider looking for a 600, then this RMK 600 is the sled for you!" I won't knock them though, because I watch each episode at least twice, at least the sled review segments. Where else do you get to watch sleds on TV?


New member
I noticed last night that snow west seems to include more trip ideas and a ton of advertising lines the pages. I think some of the mags have certain content that make them better than others. When it came buy time I think I was getting all the ones I could find. I seem to be on the same page as a few others but see how snow west would make sense for many. Sno Tech had some great how to do's and some informative comparisons and good pictures! The American Snowmobiler buying guide was a bible also before I purchased a sled. Sno Tech for this season. Reading these mags before bedtime keeps the ice running in my veins!

Thanks for the input!


New member
Need some input, for those of you that read SnowTech, did you notice our ad? It is quite expensive and I'm trying to find out where my best advertising dollars should be spent. Have any of you found us in the magizine, and stayed with us because of our ad? Thanks for any input. Wildlife Refuge Cabins


New member
Need some input, for those of you that read SnowTech, did you notice our ad? It is quite expensive and I'm trying to find out where my best advertising dollars should be spent. Have any of you found us in the magizine, and stayed with us because of our ad? Thanks for any input. Wildlife Refuge Cabins



Well-known member
I've seen it in the past, I missed it this time if it was in there.

We've stayed with you because of this site, not because of the ad.

I think that in the future I will patronize places in the U.P. more because of it being mentioned on this site, over seeing it in an ad.