Whats your favorite snowmobile mag?


Active member
I've seen it in the past, I missed it this time if it was in there.

We've stayed with you because of this site, not because of the ad.

I think that in the future I will patronize places in the U.P. more because of it being mentioned on this site, over seeing it in an ad.

X2. I know I saw it recently somewhere, but I just thumbed through snowtech and couldn't find it. As stated above, I think you will get more business from this site, then anywhere else.


Well-known member
Need some input, for those of you that read SnowTech, did you notice our ad? It is quite expensive and I'm trying to find out where my best advertising dollars should be spent. Have any of you found us in the magizine, and stayed with us because of our ad? Thanks for any input. Wildlife Refuge Cabins

Didn't see it but was not looking for it either. Maybe offer a perk if the ad is metioned when making a reservation.


Well-known member
Need some input, for those of you that read SnowTech, did you notice our ad? It is quite expensive and I'm trying to find out where my best advertising dollars should be spent. Have any of you found us in the magizine, and stayed with us because of our ad? Thanks for any input. Wildlife Refuge Cabins

Would, maybe, one big ad at the beginning of the season be better than a few smaller ads. I know I can't wait for the first mags of the season to start coming. A half page ad would really get everyones attention, where a smaller ad may be easily missed.


New member
Would, maybe, one big ad at the beginning of the season be better than a few smaller ads. I know I can't wait for the first mags of the season to start coming. A half page ad would really get everyones attention, where a smaller ad may be easily missed.
Snow Tech


New member
Thanks for the responses, I do agree that this site has been my best ad dollars spent for sure. I just knew from the beginning that this was my best route to go, and through this site I have been blessed to work with and become friends with John, Nora and Gracie as well as the pooches. And many of our guests as well, have just become family members.I've made great connections with others that are addicted to this sport and own businesses that revolve around this industry, I hope it continues as well. Again thanks, I know I have to get our name out there and always open to suggestions.It's tough out there when your not a chain hotel/motel establishment, and other type of rental units out there as well.I decided to bite the bullet and purchase a booth at the Milwaukee show this year, hope it'll be fun and get us out there as well.


New member
Sub to Snow Tech but will look at them all. I did like what I had seen in Sno West but still have not made the ricky racer & ditch banger conversion to the mountians. Some day....
For those of you that are mountian guys did you ever check out " Red Sherpa " ??? I did get a free copy of that 1 year along with Sno West and I was impressed with the photography ( pictures ) in Red Sherpa. Some of the best shots I have ever seen in a mag.


New member
The only 2 I bother with anymore are snowtech and snowest, in that order. I used to REALLY love snowest, but it sure has gone soft over the years. Unfortunately its the only rag out there that focuses solely on mt sleds. Unless someone knows of another??

If Red Sherpa is still in publication it would be what you are looking for ??? It was back a couple of years ago. Pretty cool mag in my opinion, good shots, longer articles, not too much advertising. I only recieved 1 copy as a sample but thought it was cool .
Need some input, for those of you that read SnowTech, did you notice our ad? It is quite expensive and I'm trying to find out where my best advertising dollars should be spent. Have any of you found us in the magizine, and stayed with us because of our ad? Thanks for any input. Wildlife Refuge Cabins

I did notice your ad on my first look through when the new magazine came.
SnowTech,Sno West then SnowGoers.
I think SnowTech by far gives the best information and has the best articals.
I'm a newbe to SnoWest but like the info better then SnowGoers.
I'm not that nuts on SnowGoers but have been getting the mag forever and when my
subscription was up, I went in too withdrawls and had to buy the mag and renew my subscription.
Bottem line if you are a sled junky when that first mag comes in the fall, you read it from cover to cover and get pumped for SNOW!!!

Think Snow!!


Active member
If Red Sherpa is still in publication it would be what you are looking for ??? It was back a couple of years ago. Pretty cool mag in my opinion, good shots, longer articles, not too much advertising. I only recieved 1 copy as a sample but thought it was cool .
I am pretty sure that one is gone. I remember getting the free copy also, and being impressed. I think I remember doing a search for it the next year and found out they had gone out of business already.


Snow Tech, Minnesota Snowmobiling for the events\ads\local stuff. Grab a copy of Snow West and Sno Goer coulple times in the winter.


Well-known member
For those who read snowest, is it worth it? I am mostly interested in learning about new places to ride or just reading about the riding out West.


Active member
For those who read snowest, is it worth it? I am mostly interested in learning about new places to ride or just reading about the riding out West.

Snowest is the only publication I am aware of that focuses on MT riding alone. Certainly worth it for reading reviews of Mt riding areas and getting info for planing trips. They seem to be somewhat biased as of late, more interested in pleasing their advertisers than their subscribers, which is a quick way to loose respect from your subscribers.