Where can we ride? Who trails are open?

Pit Grunt

Please report if your trails are open.. No reports anywhere. I need to ride this week and I have sled will travel.. WE RIDE!!!!!! If I can find a place. U.P. looks like a no go.

Hayward, Rice Lake Where? Are any lake safe!


Well-known member
What you are really looking for is snow. Open does not mean trails have snow. Vilas WI opened today & MI opened Dec 1 but very limited snow. I think you are looking in the correct direction where there is snow. Wild Rivers Trail not open last I checked & has snow but might change after Clubs have a chance to pan a bit.


Well-known member
west metro of Minneapolis has a foot lakes no frozen but trails open to ride went today for a few hrs going tonight again

Pit Grunt

Thank for info. Most Wisconsin trail are on hold till the 15th. I know Vilas is open ,but 1" is a no go in my book. I will find good snow in WI...


Active member
Iron River WI trails

Our trails are open, not grooming yet, about 5 or 6 on the trails. Lakes aren't safe yet, but getting there


New member
Got some buddies that trailered over to St. Croix Falls yesterday from the Wausau area. Got over later in the day so only got about 70 miles on last night, but they were suprised at how nice the trails were. Being we're moving into the weekend (more sled traffic), coupled with an iffy forecast, not sure how long they'll hold up.


New member
001.jpg 002.jpg L.O.l> on the st.crox- polk co. wi. trails went thursday to Amery Wi. Found snow trails open ommm 6 inches only !! that was the average literally -- one bud stayed behind found snow 30 miles west into minn.over 10 inches i guess -- we came home 344 miles ON MY TRUCK no riding not going to wreck my sled !! on the brite side gas was 3.19 a gallon average over there the lowest i seen was 3.16 a gallon . the pics were taken in the back yard of the motel we were going to stay in in Amery Wi. . trust me we took a 14 mile drive around that day and looked at the trails before deciding to turn and burn back to wausau !!


New member
Looks good for a rip up & down a field but that is about it. I will add it's more snow than I have seen in my area which is zilch....
We are closing in on 2 months of possible season ??? Yes March counts or it used to so maybe 3 months but it looks like we will have to travel. At this rate I will be lucky to get out & off of work 3-4 times. I can remember not too long ago riding in the Cadillac area at the beginning of Dec..... ! The Eastern UP used to be 50/50 depending on a melt down event or not and the WUP was almost always reliable.... at this time of year. It was one of the only places we could count on for snow and GOOD snow .


New member
well just talked to buds yesterday 12-17-12 about there trip after we left Amery Wi. l.o.l. saterday rained like crazy over there . they took a trip in the trucks to border of minn and canada jonzing to ride .. after he told me that he dident comment on anything literally but they had snow .. usually he will say yaa we got x amount of miles on no word but did comment they had 10 inches.. i myself am buisey with projects to keep my mind off of my sled but after the new year i definately will be jonzing to ride ! enjoy everyone and keep the rubber side down !!