Where is the snow???

Attak man

New member
We finally got the cold, and the lakes are for the most part marked in my area...but we are real thin on snow...yeah...the YOOP has snow...but northern central Wisconsin is lacking....this is a real bummer. Our trails are ride able...but very thin....3-6 inches would do us wonders...shoot I'd take two....I realize that there is more winter left...but half the season is already shot. Of course the people who hate winter are loving this...cheap heating bills, not much shoveling/snow blowing..decent roads to drive on...but this is frustrating to use sledheads... Oh well, I guess it just means less miles on my sled, meaning I can keep it that much longer.

So far every time a big SNOW was supposed to hit us..it missed....a complete bust of a winter so far.

ALL I ASK IS...Just give us one BIG SNOW storm in the next week or two, and I will be happy!!


Well-known member
The UP LES is about it so far.

All of WI is covered with some sorta snow....just not enough....LOL...hang in there Bucky.....we are all in this together


New member
Attak man,....

I'm Totally with ya bro!
Not everyone can just jump in the truck and trailer it 2 or 3 hours (or much more) to get to the LES,...

I wonder if the City of Baltimore would send trains and trucks filled with THEIR useless snow up to US!!!
LOL! They are going to get POUNDED!

almost February,...

just sayin'


New member
Another 30 days or less our season here is pretty much done for....unless we get freak cold and snow like what happened a couple of seasons ago. Clubs are grooming snirt to make the money needed to pay for the equipment. My grooming hours are way down anyways.

My sled isn't what I hoped it would be and don't want to spend the money on it this year to get it closer to how I wish it would be.

I'm tired of trailering (on an open trailer-can't afford enclosed) and dealing with frozen, sand caked covers. I for one are JUST ABOUT ready for spring.

Sign me,

Donnie Downer

just sayin' Vinnie! :)


Well-known member
Sand caked covers are better than salt caked covers you get down here in SE Wis.

Another 30 days or less our season here is pretty much done for....unless we get freak cold and snow like what happened a couple of seasons ago. Clubs are grooming snirt to make the money needed to pay for the equipment. My grooming hours are way down anyways.

My sled isn't what I hoped it would be and don't want to spend the money on it this year to get it closer to how I wish it would be.

I'm tired of trailering (on an open trailer-can't afford enclosed) and dealing with frozen, sand caked covers. I for one are JUST ABOUT ready for spring.

Sign me,

Donnie Downer

just sayin' Vinnie! :)


Well-known member
Yeah, suxs for sure. Lake Winnebago's finally froze over not even snow to ride on that. Been years I put 500 miles just on lake because that's only place to ride. Tough year for sure for people that can't just up and leave for days at a time.


I rode Wed and Thurs. from Miesville, MN down to Caledonia, MN. I think we had good snow down to Houston and south of there it was snirt. I did learn a new term along the way (from a youngster in Rushford) and I now know what the difference is from living "down here" and "up on top"! Down here is in the valley where apparently snow doesn't get to very often, and up on top is up on the nice flat farmland where all the snow lands and sticks!! The Goodhue County, Wabasha County, eastern part of Olmstead and Winona county were great riding. 365 miles.


Well-known member
On the positive side thank goodness for the WUP & LES ...been pretty good on weekdays & I can ride from home without too much pain. Unfortunate for northern WI just not worth riding imo....at least not yet & does limit my usual trail options. Cranked off my first 1000 miles + but could change in a nanosecond with a thaw.


Well-known member
there are places in WI with over a foot plenty to knock out diamonds for the weekend. north shore and even a bit south of Duluth are grooming .


New member
Feel your pain groomerdriver,...

I did see today that MOST of our local trail HAVE been cleared and groomed,...
Well,... The groomer went through anyway,...
and there is just enough snow to keep the slides from sticking,.."maybe",...
but my fingers are REALLY CROSSED for Johns 5 to 10 day outlook of "maybe"
the total accumulation in the 4 to 8 range,... Heck,..8 inches would save things
here. Or at least have everyone on the trails wrecking back to how it looks today LOL.
Wish we had the DC/Baltimore storm,....
But then again,.. I "wish" for a lot of things,....

GTL, I rode yesterday also around Goodhue County. I was very surprised how snow covered the trails were I was expecting much worse. Plenty of snow to cool things down. If we could manage 4-6" between the two storms next week that would make the trails great all around. I rode from Red Wing over to Goodhue and back thru Haycreek. I would say 60% good 30 % fair and 10% poor. Most of the poor trail are corners and a few hills.