Where were you 10 years ago?


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Where were you, or what were you doing 10 years ago today?

At the time we owned a cottage near Tomahawk, WI and I was there on vacation.


Well-known member
Walking into work from my truck when a guy told me about the first plane to hit the WTC. At that time there weren't a lot of details and like most people we assumed it was an accident. Then the second plane hit.

It got very quiet at work - people huddled around TV monitors in conference rooms. Couldn't believe it when both towers went down. Really vivid memories of that day.


I was on a roof in Naperville. It was 90+ that day and my feet were warm from the asphalt. I got down for brake and looked at my phone and my wife had called, she was upset. We just continued on the rest of the day as normal not understanding till I got home and learned what all had happened.


Active member
My 13 year old just asked me where I was that day. I was watching "Imus" when they popped up that "breaking news" stuff...
thought what kind of idiot hits a building that big. What a f'n idiot! While watching the smoke from the tower, saw the second plane hit. Felt like I got hit in the stomach because I knew at that point this was on purpose. Was dropping my 3 year old off at pre-school when we found out about the Pentagon. I was scared and pissed all at the same time. When was it going to end? What was gonan be next?
Thought Chicago was next and started worrying about my friends who work in and around Sears tower. Then the planes stopped and the noise that I was just used to stopped and it was eerie as all get out. I think I spent almost all day with my hand over my mouth as all of the horrors unfolded...the sadness...the physical pain that went along with the emotional.

My dad died in '90 on September 14...2001 was designated a national day of prayer. All I could think was how grateful I was that my dad didn't have to make the decision to jump out of a burning building and felt like it was the easist anniversary to date.

Today's the kind of day that can just break your heart...


New member
I was working in a very nice neighborhood, cutting cement board in the garage and had my piece-o-junk radio going when the news of the first plane hit the tower. I thought, "Yea right, must be an Orson Wells war of the worlds remake for the modern era". I was in denial. Then the second plane hit. I called home and everyone was in a panic, kids where on thier way home from school. I called relatives for more info, I changed radio stations, I was still in denial. I went about installing tile in a big empty house all alone. It was dead still quite in the entire surrounding neighborhood. Then I noticed the planes stopped passing by the house landing on the new runway at the airport a few miles south of the job location. Then things set in. Dead still even the air. time stopped. Then the Pentigon crash came on the radio, And the plane crash in the field. I was expecting to hear the National emergency network to kick in and it never did. No "this is an emergency not a test" or anything like that. I went home. roads where pretty much empty. I thought I was in a sci-fi movie. Did all the planes drop out of the sky, whats going on as reports on the truck radio were pretty inaccurate on details at first. Never want to see that again.
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Active member
I just got off work, was working midnites, I had just got home when the 1st plane hit, when the the 2nd one hit a short while later I was at the dentist office with my boy's getting ther teeth cleaned, never slept that day when I got home.


In a motel room in San Francisco during the second week of my new job. Shortly thereafter decided to quit the rat race and move to WI.

Team Elkhorn

In a motel room in San Francisco during the second week of my new job. Shortly thereafter decided to quit the rat race and move to WI.
I was in a work truck all day with no radio, didnt hear anything until I got back to the office. Didnt hear more of the details until the car ride home after work.
dcsnomo, thats when we decided to escape the rat race and also move to Wisconsin. Wow, we've been up here 10 years already, time flies.


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Framing a house in St Charles Il. Plumber on job had a little 9" black and white tv in truck he brought it in and about 10 of us huddled around it in disbelief. Thoughts and prayers to all involved!! My youngest was 1 month old at the time.


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We we were on our way to a jobsite in Hindsdale IL. As we were driving in on Hwy 88 towards the city we saw plane after plane circling and landing, when we got to the job plane after plane kept coming over the house as they were landing. We finely got the radio on and we started hearing the reports. We both became very somber and quiet and had a hard time finishing our job that day. One thing that was so strange for us that night was the silence in the sky. We lived way out in the country but we were in an area where we could see 5 landing approches so there were always planes in the sky. For the nights that followed to look up at the stars and see no planes, well, it was such an a feeling I'll never forget


New member
I was at work and a gal that worked near my office came in and asked if I heard the news. She said a plane had hit the Gibraltar Trade Center. Its a market with many small booths selling goods. I thought a plane from metro air port had gone down. I left my office shortly after and walked past a monitor in the building and saw the first trade center building and thought wow was I off. Just then I saw the second plain hit the other tower and thought something is very wrong.


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I had the day off from work, just watching the morning news shows and enjoying my coffee when the first plane hit. "What an idiot, how could you not miss a building of that size". Spent the rest of the day in front of the TV watching the world change.

I never left the house that day and when my wife came home from work she mentioned the long lines at the gas stations and I wondered why? So I jumped on the bike and rode down to see for myself, long lines, police directing traffic, chaos at the gas pumps. Guess I missed that one, the next time I'll be better prepared.


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I was out working on state wide GPS project, Michigan HARN re-observation. I was along a railroad track (4x4 country) near Rexton Michigan on a Coast and Geodetic Survey Bench Mark. I was there from 6am to 7pm. About 1-2pm I get a cell phone call from a DNR surveyor (I was with MDOT) some 50 miles away on a another survey mark north of Newberry. His GPS receiver had quit working and he was wondering if i was still running. I was ok and then he said, I thought mine was down because of the terror attacks in NYC as if the Gov't had turned off the GPS system for civilian use. That was th first I knew of it. I was downloading data to my laptop and catching up on paperwork because I could not find any good music on the radio of the suburban. So I turned on the radio and listened to news the rest of the day. After I was done I had to drive to Newberry and drop off my pcmia cards and then headed back to my motel in Escanaba where many of the other surveyors were staying. They were all watching it on tv. Next day we were back on the job.

HARN - High Accuracy Reference Network of GPS survey control marks.
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Active member
I was on my way into work when I heard the first plane had hit. Right before I got out of the car I heard the second one hit. I then grabbed a t.v. we had in the building and put it on the garbage can at work and had it on all day. Got a little work done, but not much.

I never really understand when my grandparents talked about the Great Depression or WWII like it was yesterday but now I know why that is.

May all those killed, and have died since from effects of it rest in peace.


Active member
I was off work that week. My friend called and woke me up after the first plane hit, and I turned on the TV and never left it for like two days. Like MrsBear, I have lived near O'Hare airport my whole life. Hearing airplanes is like backround noise to me. When they grounded all planes, I've never felt anything so weird in my life.

The whole thing still makes me very angry. So many innocent people suffering a horrible death. RIP is all I can say.


New member
working and didn't think the customer i was dealing with at the time was telling me the truth but soon a TV came on and we was all glued to it . RIP to all who died that fateful day and may God Bless America and keep her safe !!!!!!


At this time, sitting in front of a gate station at work! This is where the pipeline comes out of the ground and goes into those little houses. One side of the pipe is 500-1000 psi and the other is regulated down to 250 psi. You drive a truck of exposives into that, you'd see a mile wide crater!!!!:D


Well-known member
me and the wife were just talking about how erie it was that night we could here fighter jets flying around every 45min or so no other sounds in the sky.
when it happened I was giving a bid at a strangers house did not leave for 4 hrs we sat glue to his tv.
my wife called and said they just let every one out of work the job she just stared that day went home and watched tv for about 50 more hours.
on the sledding side triples were still dominating the grass drags at hay days in 01


New member
I was at work at DTW airport.Watched it on a small TV that security guard had in his shack..was stunned then watched the second one hit the other tower .Then in about .30 minutes the air port traffic increased big time they were all coming in because of ground all aircraft order.An hour after that you could hear a pin drop (at an airport!! )here at the airport it was so quiet I have never forgotten that part ...God rest all those hero's ..and people
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