Excellent observation......
Just as a general observation, New Jersey also flew the flag at half mast when Clarence Clemmons(sp), sax player for The E-Street band, died, as well as for Frank Sinatra when he died.
Great observational topic within a topic, dcsnomo;
In their defense, Clarence Clemons was not a self admitted drug addict and drug abuser and actually founded a non-profit organization helping victims of child abuse and domestic violence called Home Safe. As for Frank, he was a well-known lover of his booze and if quoted correctly.....
“I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.”
but at least he contributed to society a little with his political agenda and contributing to the fight against racism and contributions to many educational avenues; schools, colleges and scholarships.
I can't speak for WH's contributions to society as every time I heard her name in the last 15 years it was synonymous with drugs, crack, alcohol and Bobby Brown.
I wouldn't have a problem with the flag being flown at half staff for either of those two men......WH on the other hand is a stretch IMHO.