Who has the best Pasty


Well-known member
Pasty corner in Iron River has best pasties, just won best pasty in UP contest. Second to that would be Krupps in Twin Lakes.

I live about 45 minuetes from the pasty coner in iron river and i drive up there a few times a summer just to get them....The best iv'e ever had and i was born a raised a YOOPER!!


Active member
… I need a fix i order them online from Pasty Central.com, they are made from the old ladies at the retirement home in Bessmer, MI.

What??? Where'd you get that from?

Pasty Central's pasties are made in Pasty Central's own UDSA inspected and approved kitchen behind The Hut Inn in Calumet (Kearsarge) MI!:


Maybe you're thinking of this? (Quoted in part from Pasty.com FAQs, emphasis is mine):
Who is Pasty Central?

Pasty Central operates a pasty kitchen, Pasty Central Express, in Kearsarge, Michigan, just north of Calumet. Pasties from the USDA-approved kitchen are available for purchase online and in-person at our pasty drive-through window.

Pasty Central also operates the popular pasty.com web site, including the Pasty Cam photo of the day and galleries by hundreds of photographers featuring UP scenes.

Pasty Central is an employee-owned company in Calumet, Michigan. The employees bought the company in 2001 from Still Waters Assisted Living Community in Calumet, where the pasty project started. The purchase provided much-needed capital for the assisted living home. Unfortunately, Still Waters closed its doors October 1, 2006. Pasty Central remains committed to supporting programs that assist the elderly throughout the U.P..

For many years Still Waters residents peeled the veggies for their pasties as a regular activity. Over the years, a small number of pasties were sold locally as a fund raiser, always receiving praise for the quality and taste. In 1995, Still Waters first appeared on the Internet, and in '96 was granted the domain name "pasty.com". Subsequently "pasty.net" and "pasty.org" were acquired for future expansion. In 1999, "PastyNET, Inc." was incorporated.


New member
When I need a fix i order them online from Pasty Central.com, they are made from the old ladies at the retirement home in Bessmer, MI. They ship them frozen right to your house. Not to shabby to get a pasty by UPs.

That's disgusting!, A Soylent Green factory in the UP?
Never be able to eat another again.