Who is going storm chasing?/


New member
Yah, am stuck here in FL. But, sorry I butted you. I enjoy this site for reasons unkown to the common person. I just skiid at Revelstoke, and have to go to the Keys again. My kids are old enough to kick my a... Old and tenatios always wins, I wish my computor could spell, Big Daddy is always right. LOL You know, you have inspired me to buy a new boat. Darn I hate that when it happens. I bet Big Daddy will aprove?


New member
a few pics from the big storm


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Active member
Mike, you enjoy this site because there are a lot of characters that provide good live entertainment. The Keys are about the only spot in FL that ever make me think of going back. Wait, I did like riding on those airboats too in the Everglades.

I'll have to check out the damage on Revelstoke. I don't ski - big daddy skis, the 13 yr old boy snowboards.

Big Daddy always approves of the purchase of toys - as long as you get a good deal. He's all about the good deal. Well, at least that's what he tells me. "Are you kidding? Do you know what kind of DEAL I got on that? It was too good to pass up!! I'd'a been a FOOL to not jump on it! I felt like I was ROBBING the guy at that price!" And if I'm still frowning he starts in with the "Listen! I work dam hard and I like to play hard too! You just don't understand what kind of deal it was!" And if he buys new? "Listen - you can't find these things used (bobcat) or they're just too beat up with too many hours on 'em - just hunks o junk!"


Ditch banging

Just got in. Got out early, first tracks in most places. Alot of back tracking on trails so I hit the ditches. Deep drifts and alot of water skipin. I am soaked. Way too much fun!! Gonna throw the ole 6 hundy on the trailer and head up towards Pine City tommorrow.

I think the snow is chasing me this year!!!!!!!:p


Active member
WTGal, hey could you ask your hubby if he wants to do a wife swap? Mine doesn't like the whole snowmoble thing. Just askn'!


New member
Revelstoke was huge$$, priceless. Its off the bucket list, for now. I like Big Daddy already, go big or go home attitude, he is a lucky guy, maybe. LOL I also have a keeper. Been shopping for a airboat x2 she will not ride B.... I can not afford 1 much less 2, but will not take a penny with me, nor leave one. And now I need a truck, I owe, I owe and off to work she goes. LOL I have a allergie to debt. Kinda like breaking out in handcuffs when you drink to much.


Well-known member
Chased the snow right out my driveway this afternoon, roads had not been plowed, and only a few trucks had been down them when I left. Made a few small loops around here for a nice 50+ mile ride, pounding drifts the whole time!


Active member
Mike - that is big daddy...go big or go home. He is thrifty when it comes to buying his toys. And some of them he got before me (the '79 ski nautique? sure, I'd be DUMB to not date a guy with a kick butt classic boat like that!?!? :) ) AND snowmobiles? Um, sure...what time do you wanna pick me up! I'm a redneck trapped in Chicagoland...a good redneck is hard to find around here!?!? :D

xcr - I'd take 50 miles!