Who stays and who goes


Since the pack is nothing but a fart in the wind...got a whiff of them and now nothing... what players are sure goners next year... let me start.. entire defense, well how
about every player except rogers. they were pathetic today. even he sucked but i guess you
have to keep someone


New member
Well it's a pretty safe bet the Pack will be looking for both an Offensive Coordinator and a Defensive Coordinator. Looks like Philbin is heading to Miami, and Capers out west (probably the Raiders). Ya know---it was just a matter of time before the Pack stumbled on offense. Unfortunately it happened in the playoffs. The offense masked that pathetic defense all year long, and the time finally came where the offense needed the D to step up and keep them in the game, and we see where that got us. Defense wins championships, and that's why the Pack will be watching the rest of the year unfold from their couches. The better team won yesterday. As far as who should be gone-Finley--SEE YA'!! Peprah-ROTTEN-BA BYE!!!!. I'm a Packer fan, but they got what they deserved based on their performance. Ther was one particular play that sticks in my mind-Manning dropped back to pass, I got up to take a leak and grab another beer, came back, and he was still in the pocket surveying the field. Now that's some protection!!! OR..........just rotten defense. I'm going with the latter. 15-1 don't mean nothing anymore!!!


New member
Going to be a very different team I believe next year.
My question is,...
How can you go from a #5 rated defense to the #32 rated defense
in only ONE year? You can't tell me Jenkins and Collins were THAT good?
If that is the case,.. Holy cow!
At least the Patriots Defense showed up and kicked butt.
How can a team look like that with 2 weeks to prepare?
Finley is another T.O. and Ochocinco,... All Mouth.
Once they Gut the coaching staff,... the new ones will
have to figure something out.
First time in NFL History that a 15 win team did NOT advance in
their first game.
T H U D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well,....
Come On SNOW!


Well-known member
Going to be a very different team I believe next year.
My question is,...
How can you go from a #5 rated defense to the #32 rated defense
in only ONE year? You can't tell me Jenkins and Collins were THAT good?
If that is the case,.. Holy cow!
At least the Patriots Defense showed up and kicked butt.
How can a team look like that with 2 weeks to prepare?
Finley is another T.O. and Ochocinco,... All Mouth.
Once they Gut the coaching staff,... the new ones will
have to figure something out.
First time in NFL History that a 15 win team did NOT advance in
their first game.
T H U D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well,....
Come On SNOW!

It has a little to do with Cullen being gone and not having a pass rush. I really think they missed Nick Collins alot more than anyone has alluded too. He was the captain of that seconday and had everyone aligned corrrectly. Peprah is a back up plain and simple not a pro bowler like we lost. I'd still rather be sitting here today where we are than be in the Vikings or Bears shoes. We'll be ok.


Active member
Ya because the packers won so much more than the vikings or bears this season didn't they.... Except for those all to important DRAFT PICKS lol.


New member
Ya because the packers won so much more than the vikings or bears this season didn't they.... Except for those all to important DRAFT PICKS lol.

The Vikings aren't exactly the template for great draft picks. Just something to "PONDER". Plus, draft picks don't mean anything (other than trade bait) if the guys on top aren't bright enough to put the puzzle together. Maybe this year they'll consider using their 1st Rd pick on a real qb. Odds are eventually they'll get something right.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I read today that we've likely seen the last of Driver. He says he's not ready to retire and his salary exceeds 5 million next season. Because of that I would think there's a good chance he'll be with the Vikes, Bears or Lions next season. Too bad, he's a classy guy and a good family man.

I think Grant will be with someone else.

Finley, I don't know. Maybe sign him for one year to see if the talent shows up. Nothing long term.

It's time to move Woodson to safety or move on with someone else.

We should be OK at running back with Starks, Saine, and Green.

You've got to think we go heavy on defense in the draft. Line, Linebacker, & Safety.


Well-known member
Ya because the packers won so much more than the vikings or bears this season didn't they.... Except for those all to important DRAFT PICKS lol.

I would rather watch my team go to the play offs every year and win maybe lose (fyi we are defending super bowl champs) than watch your 'queens win an average of 4 games a year. and if AP ain't healthy you'll be lucky for four games a year. wait a minute you may not even be watching the minnesota vikings in four years they'll be called the los angeles vikings. nice ownership there you got in ziggy. good luck man!


Active member
Now there is the pack fans that I have come to know. Did you need another towel to dry your tears?? Aaron Farve maybe should have played the whole season. Oh did I say that LOL. I actually am leaning towards being a titans fan. Got a cousin from town here that is a rookie d-lineman. Karl Klug. He is alot of fun to watch!!


Well-known member
Definately heavy on the d line in the draft, possible franchise tag and trade of matt flynn

Matt flynn not going anywhere cheap & good enough he stays. Plus no team going to give you much for him just 1 big game means nothing more than that.


Well-known member
well now the Vikings 1998 are not the only team to go 15 n 1 and not go the the super bowl.but hey at least you did not loose to a 1/2 *** wild card team


Well-known member
IMO, Finley will be gone but he will be a great tight end somewhere else, just needs his ego stroked more. Flynn will be gone, too many teams with bad QB's to not take a chance on him. O+D coordinators sounds like they will be gone. Driver also, but I agree I really like him - classy and good. Teams caught onto the Pack defense, it was new and good last year and if you dont change you get exposed in this league.