You only have to mow 1000 to 1200 lawns this summer to get one. But of course that would put you in a tax bracket That may require you to do 1400-1600 lawns this summer. Sub it out to the rest of the Neighbor kids (get good Insurance in case one should mow a foot off or two), Buy them mowers and supply gas. Now you only need to do 2200 to 2400 lawns if splitting and paying cash. But do it right. Pay your taxes and take the deductions. You will then need to sell roughly 3200-3600 lawns to get that new sled. But you will have most the kids in town working for you at this time and they will want sleds, hence the cycle begins. Now that you are up to 30,000-40,000 lawns you may ask yourself, " will my town support this" or do you need to buy trucks? Best to go ask your Dad for a nice Christmas Present and avoid all this.