Why do people think sign stakes are slalom poles?


I just got in from a ride around our trails in the West Bend area (locally St. Lawrence Club Trails) and I have never been so discouraged to be a snowmobile club member. I counted a total of 16 stakes knocked over from a sled. Worst of all it was the same sled going from stake to stake. So I have stop signs, stop aheads and blazers down. The biggest damage was from an intersection sign knocked over by the *******. This one upsets me the most because I handmade that sign. I bought a blank white reflective sign and taped red letters on the sign to create a very nice professional looking sign. People ask why the crappy intersection marking down here in Southern Wisconsin, well people have no respect for signage so I hope the punks that knock down these signs get lost and suffer from hypothermia because they ran out of gas trying to find their way home. **** em!



Well-known member
that stuff pisses me off to or when you rope off a spot and have the stay on trail or loose it sign every 10 ft and they run the sign and rope over.then bitch the next yr when the gates are up


New member
To 440 chazz
You can bet on the fact the culprit does not belong to a club. And you have every right to Rant. I support you 100%.


New member
I just got in from a ride around our trails in the West Bend area (locally St. Lawrence Club Trails) and I have never been so discouraged to be a snowmobile club member. I counted a total of 16 stakes knocked over from a sled. Worst of all it was the same sled going from stake to stake. So I have stop signs, stop aheads and blazers down. The biggest damage was from an intersection sign knocked over by the *******. This one upsets me the most because I handmade that sign. I bought a blank white reflective sign and taped red letters on the sign to create a very nice professional looking sign. People ask why the crappy intersection marking down here in Southern Wisconsin, well people have no respect for signage so I hope the punks that knock down these signs get lost and suffer from hypothermia because they ran out of gas trying to find their way home. **** em!


One club I know uses 2x2 oak stakes for signs.


I hear you!! We use metal stakes yet so that tends to discourage them from running them over, but still have a few that think they can make it. We have a couple of areas now we put up snowfence and twine with flags on it to try to keep folks on trail, I swear one day we'll have the whole trail the same way and it'll be like driving down the interstate.
Bummer about the intersection sign, I hope that you find out who the yahoo was.


New member
Local trails seem to be out of control here around the twin cities. Lots of trespassing going on just off the trail. I just hope they don't ruin it for the rest of us.


New member
I rode Washington/Ozaukee last night and saw a marker or two down as well. With the depth of snow and drifts it looked these got taken out by "trail" riders getting into the drifts and then not being able to control the machine enough to carve out of it and miss the pole. The best part was in a few cases the snow was so deep only the very top of marker was showing. Ran into the groomer just getting himself unstuck just outside of Jackson. Snow where he was was probably 3-4' deep in a drift and I think he may even have accidently taken a marker down himself. Replaced it of course.