Why is off trail riding more fun than trail riding in your opinion?

Lots of people jumping on to the off trail bandwagon. Just wanting to see why people are. I've always been interested but more so now than before. Any opinions would be great!! Thanks


New member
Lots of people jumping on to the off trail bandwagon. Just wanting to see why people are. I've always been interested but more so now than before. Any opinions would be great!! Thanks

Safer, more challenging, away from the crowd, actually see nature and the beauty of the landscape. Different.


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Away from traffic my reason & nice change of pace but still only 20% of my overall riding. I still like trails better than off trail. Off trail not for everyone lots more effort & work.


New member
Toataly agree with polarisrider1, Its just the adventure of finding places that not many people see. Seeing your buddy's get stuck and laughing about it. Look at your GPS and wondering if we can get from point A to B. Shuting down the machines and hearing nothing but the wind thru the trees. OK I'm getting sappy now.


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Avoiding the head on collision. Seems every time I ride the trails, I am avoiding accidents. (lucky so far)


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We've been out to Togwotee Pass twice. Although I daydream about being out West, I still like both - it's especially fun to mix it up on the same day. It's a fricking blast to break powder, go up and down hills, cut through the trees, carve, make new paths, stop wherever, etc. I really like being away from traffic, but that goes for trail-riding as well. One thing that really stands out to me about being in the West is that you're not quite as stressed about whether there will be enough snow to ride. Yes, I know the West is short on snow this year, but there is always enough to get out and ride, unlike the midwest where you are always concerned about melt-downs.

Another thing I was surprised at was the cost - you don't burn through that much gas riding off-trail compared to trail riding, which was real nice. Of course it's quite a haul to get out there for most of us, and if you stay on the mountain, food and lodging are a little more.

Your question was more about on-trail vs. off-trail instead of West vs Midwest. I haven't done much off-trail riding in the midwest.

I'll probably go with a crossover next time around if I don't lengthen the one I have in the meantime, so that I can do either.


Staff member
For me there is actually two types of off trail riding. One is cruising down a logging road or skidder trail, just taking it easy and enjoying the great outdoors. Going to be doing that in about 30 minutes! :) The enjoyment from that comes from exploring some place I have never been before, or perhaps getting off the beaten path- the path less traveled. I feel safer and can just enjoy the snow, my sled, the persons I am riding with and life in general.

The second is the extreme, hill climbing through trees or jumping creeks or fighting my way back up a drainage that I should probably not have gone down into in the first place. Lots of stucks, lots of digouts, perhaps a little bit of sled carnage, etc...I like this type because it challenges me, is a work out, gets the adrenaline going and that REALLY helps to clear my head of all things, but the task at hand. The adrenaline rush is fun too. Sleep pretty good after rides like that!

The perfect day would be 75% of the first kind and 25% of the second kind, in ankle deep powder (if you measure it head first) ;)



Well-known member
I don't like off trail riding...no damn signs!!! ( how do you make one of them smiley faces?!)
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New member
i just love being in the woods hanging out with friends riding in snow thats above my waist. i love challenging myself to new lines, i like making things difficult when they can be easy. i remeber 5yrs a go wanting to to to the u.p. to go offtrail i was 16 on a z440 lol got to go on my first up trip when i was 20. now i dont want to ride my sled anywhere else but the u.p.. just being in the u.p. of Michigan is a great feeling the lands so amazing so many beautiful things to see. i love how you can go in to a area of woods and ride and ride and there is still so much snow u have not touched its sweet, in se wi we have no snow its fkin bull poop i cant even test my sled b4 i take it 7hr away then blow it up. thATS THE FUN NOT KNOWING WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN but whatever happens is all worth it.


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John's second type is what I prefer to do most of the time. I'm fine with putting 20 miles on in a day and challenging myself to take lines or find ways to the top of the hill or wherever it is I want to go. You do have a lot more carnage with this type of riding but the laughs, the stories, and the experiences make it worth it.


New member
I ride lots of miles on the trail and enjoy it. I like backpacking town to town for 5 or 6 days putting on a couple thousand miles each trip. You get to see a lot of different areas and many interesting lodging/food/bar type places, as well as many cool people along the way.
My off trail experience is limited do to the group I often ride with not being big off trail fans, but I do find it can be much more challenging and fun at times than on trail. I would like to hook up sometime with an off trail group and really see what its all about..
I think both styles of riding are great!


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Just got back from a scouting mission and found some spots that could be good with another 3 feet of fresh. I'll have to have you ride in blindfolded though.



New member
I prefer off trail riding mainly because there's no traffic (ie less chance of some racer running me off into the sticks), get to enjoy sights that most others never see, and I also enjoy the challenge. I like riding the unplowed roads and trails until I find some hills to climb of ravines/river valleys to drop down into and play in. Many times I will be out "riding" all day and put on less than 50 miles, spend lots of time digging, unsticking sleds, and exploring.


New member
John's second type is what I prefer to do most of the time. I'm fine with putting 20 miles on in a day and challenging myself to take lines or find ways to the top of the hill or wherever it is I want to go. You do have a lot more carnage with this type of riding but the laughs, the stories, and the experiences make it worth it.
The laughs and the stories are always good when I ride with you Keith. I prefer the extreme as much as I can.


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Off trail is so much more challenging. We took the back roads from Twin Lakes to Sidnaw and broke trail the whole way. What a Rush!!! Nothing compares!!!
Even Bobcats!


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I like it because you don't usually see anyone else. That is how I like it. Just me, some good friends, lots of snow, and these questions, what is around the next bend? What is on the other side of that hill? Can i make it up this hill? Etc Etc.

John summed it up pretty good, I like to mix it during the day, on a freshy day (Lenny's new word, I like it, and I am keeping it) with the freshy coming over the hood, there is nothing I enjoy more than sashaying back and forth across a logging road with the pow pow hitting me in the face. Until I see a wicked badd azz hill that needs to be climbed. :) Then it is time to be challenged, and dare the others in the group to be challenged also.

Off trail i don't have to worry about someone coming at me on the wrong side of the trail because they think they are in a race. Scares the living crap out of me when that happens, and really pisses me off. I don't enjoy being pissed off when snowmobiling.

All that being said, I enjoy trail riding also. After all, I am a snowmobiler first and foremost, as long as I am riding, I am happy, but I am the happiest :D when riding off trail.