Wierd things that happen on trail


New member
Came across a white grand am stuck in the middle of a trail on the north shore up around silver bay.it was starting to get dark and stuck right after a blind corner sideways so we all stopped.just as we are getting off are sleds two people jump out of the car.one acting and talking like he was high.the other happens to be a small person.they said they made a wrong turn on one of the roads.the only roads up there are logging roads.never taking are helmets off we offered them a hand to move the car.the guy that was high got behind the wheel and the little guy tried pushing.the four of us lifted the car and pushed it back on the logging road.than the guy jumped out of the car he went around to the passenger side and the little guy jumped in at the drivers seat and they took off.at this point we just started to laugh.It was like a hidden camera thing.just glade we got it out of the way.talking to some people up there they said that they are probable out stilling stuff from the loggers.next time I'll take down the license plate just dint think of it.Was laughing too much at the time.for some reason was thinking of the movie broke back mountain the whole time.this is the third car on the trail that I've come across in the middle of nowhere.first to have people in it.


New member
Saw a Burning Sled on Trail 111(i think or trail 15) in Iron River this past Saturday. Completely burned down to the ground, could just the
the exhaust pipe sticking up. Just a pile left over off to the side of the trail. Glad I am not that guy, how scary..............................


New member
Yeah, what kind of HE-man drinks Tab anyway? Real men drink Mug, or Barques...

Perrrrrrrrttttyyy sure in was'nt soda pop................lol

Maybe the tabs the old man was playin at the bar while we were drinkin a soda..............
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Ten --twelve years ago somewhere in the back country of Sawyer county WI. we rode a trail, at night, someone had strung a stuffed dummy on a wire, above the trail between two poles. It scared the livin' crap out of every one of us. We still talk about that one.


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Staff member
I've got a couple for you, both from Price County, Wisconsin.

We came across my first Burned Down sled a couple of years ago. And I mean completely burned down. Anything not metal was gone though I did find the word Rotax on one of the engine heads. All that remained was the handle bars, tunnel and what remained of the engine.

Northwest of Phillips, the trail used to go past a Tree Stand for hunting deer. Someone had hoisted a full size car body up about 12 to 15 feet into a tree. I think I've got a picture of that somewhere.

That Red Neck Tree Stand and my encounter with a Lone Wolf mentioned in another thread are probably my most unusual sightings I've had in recent years.


New member
Was honking down the trail about 50 (lol) and stopped the group to walk back about 200ft to pick a frozen loon out of a bush!! I even impressed myself !

I like to mess around a lil bit so before we left for our trip to Houghton in January I bought a sasquatch mask for 10 bucks. 10 bucks well spent! Started hangin out the window waving at people on the interstate on the way up, stoppin on the side of the trail to make some yellow snow and have a smoke i threw the mask on, went and ran around in the trees a lil bit too. Some scared reactions and some hysterically laughing reactions by passing sledders.


New member
When STOPPED at a stop sign near Mass, a young guy pulled up in his pickup rolled down his window and started to wave a pistol at us. Then rolled up his window and drove away. Never could figure that one out.

Team Fire Storm!!!
Think Snow!!!
The only trip my wife and I took this winter-we were up in Glidden, WI area. We had ridden over to Clam Lake on 8. Then were taking 8 east towards Bear Chasers. While on way back towards Glidden from Clam Lake, we came across a blue Chevrolet Blazer driving slowly down the trail. There was what appeared to be a woman and some obviously high young man in the car. They drove straight through to another road, like 8 miles to the east. Totally dangerous situation, because they were going like 10 mph cuz the trails were so rough. She even drove across a snowmobile bridge through a swamp.


New member
Has anyone come across this before. My husband a friend and myself were riding on trail 102 off from the SB road out of Silver City and my husband & friend had stopped and were waiting for me to catch up. When I approached them there were 3 sleds but only 2 people so I thought maybe a broken down sled. When I got up to them here was a guy laying on the ground. I mean he was flat on his back and didn't move or say a word. I said oh my gosh is he ok. My husband chuckled and said yes. I said are you sure and he said yup he is just taking a nap. Then the guy lifted up his head and said I am just talking a nap. It looked like a peaceful place to stop and take a nap. He talked to us while he laid there on the ground. We made sure that he was ok before we left. When we left he said maybe you should stay and then I won't have to explain to somebody else. After we left I thought how dangerous is that His sled was off to the side of the trail and he laying on the right sidfe of it. If somebody was to come along and lose control of their sled and hit his he would of been hurt if not killed. Was really kind of spooky to see him laying on the gorund.
Sledjunkie- were you up there the weekend after new year, maybe at the hoop on a sun night, ridin a black, blue n white rush? Also had a saints jeresy on over that costume?


Active member
Has anyone come across this before. My husband a friend and myself were riding on trail 102 off from the SB road out of Silver City and my husband & friend had stopped and were waiting for me to catch up. When I approached them there were 3 sleds but only 2 people so I thought maybe a broken down sled. When I got up to them here was a guy laying on the ground. I mean he was flat on his back and didn't move or say a word. I said oh my gosh is he ok. My husband chuckled and said yes. I said are you sure and he said yup he is just taking a nap. Then the guy lifted up his head and said I am just talking a nap. It looked like a peaceful place to stop and take a nap. He talked to us while he laid there on the ground. We made sure that he was ok before we left. When we left he said maybe you should stay and then I won't have to explain to somebody else. After we left I thought how dangerous is that His sled was off to the side of the trail and he laying on the right sidfe of it. If somebody was to come along and lose control of their sled and hit his he would of been hurt if not killed. Was really kind of spooky to see him laying on the gorund.
I like that! Just jump off the sled and take a nap ON THE TRAIL!! Swift fellow there...


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I was out in the middle of nowhere, or at least I thought I was. I had to stop and take a leak, I took a couple steps up to the top of a hill and looked over the side and saw what I thought was a creek. As I was releaving myself I heard a couple of female voices and looked down the hill and realized that it was a road and not a creek I had been looking at. Probably a weird story for those woman to tell!!


Active member
I approached a wired intersection on the trail this year. it was a 3 way that looked like a Y with the intersection being the top of a hill. Not big just could not see what was coming from either direction and no signs say that was an intersection. We where in the middle of nowhere and as I top the hill I see 4 guys snowshoeing to my right and a truck coming to my left. Just thought it was strange that all three legs where being used at the same time in the middle of nowhere.
Letting it all hang out, huh?

I was out in the middle of nowhere, or at least I thought I was. I had to stop and take a leak, I took a couple steps up to the top of a hill and looked over the side and saw what I thought was a creek. As I was releaving myself I heard a couple of female voices and looked down the hill and realized that it was a road and not a creek I had been looking at. Probably a weird story for those woman to tell!!

Maybe if you would have done what your screen name indicates, you wouldn't have been such a distraction to the young ladies? Or they may have just thought you were one of them? :D



New member
Was riding south from Shingleton with my family a few years ago, I was leading, trail was rough so we were going about 25-30 when all of a sudden something comes flying out of the woods at me, locked up the brakes and looked and there was a guy laying in the trees with a serious busted up leg, he threw his glove at me to get my attention or I would have never seen him, seems as though he was riding with his buddies and they didnt even notice he lost it, his sled was about 100 yards in the woods smacked into a tree, this really put a scare into my kids and me of how quickly things happen.