Wierd things that happen on trail


Well-known member
Tweaked my back Wednesday shoveling this heart attack snow but riding everyday now. So I rode Friday but didn't know if I would ride 3 miles or 300 just had to see how my back held up.? Decided to ride 6E out of Phelps headed for the boonies away from traffic. I was riding at a leisurely pace when I ducked into twisty trails after a stop sign I saw a sled with headlights way down the road. I figure if he wants to go faster than me I'll pull over let him by. So I wicked it up a bit then saw him close behind me & now a bunch of other sleds behind him. I thought find a place to stop & let them pass but ride faster now so I'm not holding them up. So I take pace up to the point to where it would not be safe to ride faster in these extreme twistys & I know the guy behind me on a Doo Xp can probably ride twistys faster than me. So I look back & the lead doo is gone so maybe they stopped or went somewhere else. So I slow my rhythm down then see this doo catch up again but his pack is gone.So I wick it up again & the doo drops back never asks for the trail or crowds me just follows at a safe distance. I'm thinking this guy wants me riding point which is ok since alone anyway. So we continue riding twistys at a crisp speed & notice the leader loses his pack from time to time. We pull into Nelma & I slow down to putting I never ride fast thru towns & this allows the pack to catch up to the doo. We ride thru town cross into MI & time for me to drain the snake. So I find a pull off & dismount right side of my sled & this pack of 10 or more lead by the doo keeps on riding. I take my helmet off drink some water & I hear this 2s just wailing off in the distance. I thinking how the heck is he doing that those Twistys are very tight around Ski Brule. But whatever at least they are in front of me now. So I get back on my sled & ride about 2 minutes up the trail the lead doo has to be 100 feet off the trail wedged in trees & the other sleds are pulled to the right on the trail & his buddies are trying to get to this guy in the deep in the trees. I stop to see if I can help & his buds wave me on all with smirks on their faces like they are used to this stuff. So I move on & think well that's what happens when you ride too fast for conditions.... oh well ....LOL :)


New member
Last year in the Land-O-Lakes area on a local trail to get to a friends cottage. The trail was really tight and twisty so we weren't going very fast. I was riding point and on one of the only straight sections, I see two vintage sleds come around the corner. The lady riding the second sled had on a pink jacket with the fur trimmed hood pulled up and tied with a green scarf around her neck flapping in the breeze behind her. She had a huge smile and was waving at us like she was in a parade.

I couldn't even tell you what kind of sled she was riding but she was having fun. :)