Wildcard Snowfall Event


Well-known member
It would be one good flop and a visit to the Chiro for me!

More of a 2 step slow motion bend down old man belly flop with legs up so don't drag behind me works ok. Nothing like when I was kid running as fast as I can then slam sled & body 1 together & dive for 10 feet launch air to ground & sizzle down the hill. I had to rehearse before gkids get here make sure I could still do it.lol. I'll be good for 1 more tomorrow then wait for next bunch of gkids on Xmas & do a couple for them too.lol I have to straighten runners each time bend in a little so good excuse to NOT do more. My father inlaw beefed up the sled years ago with milled 2x4s when my daughter was about 4 we broke 1 side support going down a big a$$ hill. We still use same sled today & her kids are 5 & 10.lol He fixed it good !! I still waterski too so used to taking my licks now & then.:)