Will an 800 work?


New member
I found a great deal on an 06 Gade with 1700 miles for around $4K, friend of a friend and I know the sled was well taken care of, no wrecks. I have been in the market for a sled for the nephew, he rides an '87 Phazer around here and really wants to go UP, but I won't bring that sled, not trustworthy, plus its a rough ride. I do let him ride my other sled if the wife is not going. I have an '07 F8 and an '09 Rev X 800 and he has been on both. But I am affraid to put him on an 800. He is 13 about 5'9" 160 lbs. He rips it up on his 125cc Yammie, hits double jumps, but won't try a triple yet, so he can ride. He will be a better rider than his uncle probably soon. So what do you guys think? I mean I have looked at a 500 and a 600 and the prices are about the same. I think he will be wanting the horsepower in just a couple years. Any input? Thanks in advance!!


New member
800 should be fine my son also moto-crosses he has been sledding since age of two on kittycat he is 16 now and has been riding my nitro since 2006 he also rides his mxz 600 but prefers the nitro he handles it very well. He is about the same size as youre nephew hope this helps with youre decision.


New member
You know your 13 year old nephew better than anyone else on here. If he can modulate the throttle ok and will stay behind you so you can set the speedd than he should be ok.

However, my 12 year old has been riding for a while, both sleds and quads and is very good also but I would not put him on a 800. The 600's are fast enough, there is no reason he needs a 800. I tell him he cannot go over 50 and I know he pushed that on open roads and such. I worry mostly about him getting into trouble on 2 tracks and when climbing road banks and such and having the sled come out from under him.

I would keep looking, or if ya just gotta have it put a clamp of some sort on the grip so he can only push the throttle so far. We did that the first year for both my son and nephew on thier 600's.



Well-known member
just get a throttle block from a 600 sno x mxz all the kids who race have to have a throttle block you can take it off in less than 10 min


New member
If he's a good rider, he will be able to keep up with any size sled. We once went to the UP with a guy who rode a 440F poo, while we all had 700's. His superior riding skills coupled with the light weight allowed him fly through the trails. It will only make a difference on open areas and deep snow. Sounds like a good deal though on the gade though.


New member
My opinion totally the rider. Some ride 1000's and probably cannot truly handle a 600 and vice versa (funny for me to say 600 like it's small when I remember them being the big ones). Having been 13 once I handled big for the time machines pretty well and fortunately the mistakes I made never got me hurt. Most involved slowing down too late for the conditions (too much speed into an icy corner, too fast on the lake towards shore and skidding instead of slowing when using the brakes) and therefore scaring myself a few times but I never wrecked myself or a machine. I probably would have done what I did regardless of engine size.


New member
TO MUCH POWER Kids that young DO NOT need to be on a sled that size. No one does. (just my mind set) I ride 600s and they go down the trail or through the powder just as good as any thing bigger would. and most can get up to aroung 100 with no modifications. Why do people need to go any faster? Hate me if you want to. Smaller is better for the kids. Im 17 my self.


Well-known member
agree wiht saber

you know best,when my son was younger he listen to me when I would let him ride my 600 so I had no problems,wife was nerves though. but you can set the speed.


New member
I remember being a teen and having to find the top speed of anything and everything I rode. 250 Honda enduro at age 13, 75+ on my parents farm lane. Two years later, John Deere Trailfire, about 65 in our fields. Next year, John Deere Liquifire, 85. My Z28 Camaro when I was 16, 116MPH. I found that my dad's 4X4 Chevy ran out to about 98 (4.11 gears...no top end) and mom's Impala would bury the speedo (only read to 110 then the needle disappeared). Somehow I never crashed or wrecked. I was very lucky. And really stupid!

I agree with erza - the power will not be an issue until you're not with them, and then look out. Biggest concern would be breaking too late and crashing out on a turn or end of a field, etc. Having to show a buddy how their 800 will outrun his 600. And so on.

We all feel invincible at that age......and it's up to adults to keep things reasonable. I moved my son up from a 340/55MPH (age 10), to a 440/80MPH (age 12), to a 600/95MPH (age 14) and then at age 16 to a Yamaha Vector (not much faster than the 600 but a lot better suspension). Up until buying the Vector, all the sleds were used and not all that expensive - the most I paid was $1500 for the 600 - and all were ridden by my son on UP trails (the 340 was a Yamaha Ovation and it got some strange looks!). I never heard him complain about any of these sleds being too slow at the time he rode them....

My .02