will you still go???

will you still purchess a trail pass?

  • Total voters


Well-known member
When there are guys who live in Michigan voting yes it throws the whole thing off! If you could just poll people from out of state it may be different! I do not think it would change very much though.

I don't think it matters if you live in Michigan or not. Those of us who live here are just as free as out-of-staters to not pay the increase if we so choose and go somewhere else to ride.


How much for a stupid round of Golf?

How much for a hunting or fishing License?

How much for annual license plate for Motorcyle?


Ok, here goes my opinoin, and someone's not going to like it.

Michigan residence charge $25.00 Micheeganders will like this.
All out of state visitors charge $45.00 Opps I made someone mad
Canuck's charge $90.00 I just couldn't help myself

Doesn't it cost more for out of staters to get a hunting license?

I might as well go up to Canada if the price increases.

Hey, speeking of a contraversy, where's boondocker?(akafrnash)


New member
pass costs

with so little snow here in Illinois, gotta vote yes.
i buy one for (actually 2) in WI. and MI.
gotta go north for the snow.

Big time X2 CAUSE I put 3000 mi on this yr, so how do you not justify the small cost,JMO .MEATHEAD....PS.all in the western U/P..


Well-known member
Right now 14 no, 41 yes.

55 * $35 = $1,925
41 * $45 = $1,845

Wow, I thought the State would be ahead by now with the $45 permit fee. The $ gap is closing though.

That is how the Government figures things you are missing how much money the businesses lost because those people are not there. So the 55 people that did not come and spend atleast $100 a day. So does the increase really make sense? I will be up there anyways.


Active member
At this time 27 no, 85 yes.

112 * $35 = $3,920
85 * $45 = $3,825

I realize I'm not observing this using the same time span. I'm looking for big moves from both sides at times when I remember to check. I do have a life and have other things to attend to like my family.


New member
Hi guys, I love the U P, had some of the best rides and conditions there. It's 360 miles to calumet from msp, and now the northgate hotel is closed I think. My costs are going up.. 3 nights in a hotel gas for the subby and snowmobiles, I'm up to about $675. It's worth the cost if MN and WI have the usual bad snow. I've got a couple friends that "forced" me to go explore different parts of mn, and with the great snow we had this year, it was really good.. never made it to the U P. 1st time in my 8 year sno mo career.. Is this pass money getting used properly? or is it being pi$$ed away like the experts do in MN?


Active member
That is how the Government figures things you are missing how much money the businesses lost because those people are not there. So the 55 people that did not come and spend atleast $100 a day. So does the increase really make sense? I will be up there anyways.

I don't understand what your are saying here. Please try the comment again.


New member
just gonna try to stay closer to home if I can.. $675/weekend=$2700/month, I'd rather give the money to the MI trail system than our friends from the middle east, but the $45/sled is another punishment for doing something I enjoy.. I do want to know how efficiently the trail pass money is spent. Not so sure in MN, we have our registration PLUS we have to buy a trail permit too..How about we make the sled doggers buy trail permits, and raise the fees for cross country skiers... we must be an easy target


Well-known member
Raising the price of the permit might increase the revenue for the Dnr. But then they are losing more tax revenue in other places. The people that do not come up are not using the hotels gas and restaurants. So if the Up business owner is down another 20 percent like the permit going up how will that help snowmobiling. You might have nice trails but not place to stop.


I get sick of people saying "if you don't like it then don't come up here, we don't care leaves more trails for us" that kind of attitude is just stupid. I don't care if you like me or not, but I do know you need my money, If we don't come up here the local bars, gas stations and hotels will close, and that will hurt YOU. I love the UP and northern WI and most of the people are fantastic, as well as all of the out state riders. The states can't keep increasing everything and not expect people to stop spending. For every action there is a reaction, its that simple, the problem is you don't know what the reaction will be until it happens. At that point people and business may suffer until anther action is taken and so on and so on. Are you or your business willing to be the one that suffers? This is a community problem and the community needs to fix it, not just one spoke of the wheel.


Active member
Raising the price of the permit might increase the revenue for the Dnr. But then they are losing more tax revenue in other places. The people that do not come up are not using the hotels gas and restaurants. So if the Up business owner is down another 20 percent like the permit going up how will that help snowmobiling. You might have nice trails but not place to stop.

I thought so. Thanks


New member
83 cents a month

Seriously, for less than a dollar a month, the way the trails have been taken care of the last few years it is a no brainer for me. A beer and a pop!! The balance of what we spend on this sport is CRAZY compared to trail fees, registration, etc.

If the snow is good, all over it. This year, with other options available, maybe not. But the $10 is a drop in the gas tank as far as expenses go.

I do like the idea of a multi-state pass tho, now the wife and kids are getting into the riding!!

Voted Yea.



Well-known member
Love the UP, and I'll still go. I only make it up 2 or 3 times a year and it's still worth it.
$5 or $6 gallon gas would make me say no before the $45 sticker would.
Which I think is why a lot of "no" people voted that way. It's the total cost (gas, food, hotel, oil,beer) that people are saying "enough".


Well-known member
I voted Yes, not just because I live here either. Even if I don't use the trail that much, it is worth it. Worth it from the aspect that this leads to keeping what we have available to us as well as adequately maintaining & improving the system & equipment needed to do so.-Mezz


I live in Indiana and have registered boat,snowmobiles and trailers in Michigan. I don't mind putting my $ where I use them. I will pay more if it means keeping the resources. The national forest issue is a much greater concern for me than increase of trail permits. The price of everything is increasing food, gas, etc(except labor) should it should cost more for trail permits.

My Opinion