I get sick of people saying "if you don't like it then don't come up here, we don't care leaves more trails for us" that kind of attitude is just stupid. I don't care if you like me or not, but I do know you need my money, If we don't come up here the local bars, gas stations and hotels will close, and that will hurt YOU. I love the UP and northern WI and most of the people are fantastic, as well as all of the out state riders. The states can't keep increasing everything and not expect people to stop spending. For every action there is a reaction, its that simple, the problem is you don't know what the reaction will be until it happens. At that point people and business may suffer until anther action is taken and so on and so on. Are you or your business willing to be the one that suffers? This is a community problem and the community needs to fix it, not just one spoke of the wheel.