Wisconsin OHM registration


New member
March of 2016 Wis.put into effect a law requiring that OHM's be registered with the DNR with the objective of opening more of the atv system to OHM's.I live in a state that does'nt register dirt bikes.Wis.does not offer a nonresident trail pass although it was stated they would in the new law,instead wanting non-residents to pay sales tax in wisconsin for a resident registration to operate on trails that prior to 2016 had not needed one including trails on the national forest property.My bikes are over 15 years old,how in world am I to pay sales tax on something from that long ago that taxes where paid on at purchase?did I get bad information from the DNR phone center in regard to operating in the National Forest,that is federal land under federal jurisdiction?As I see it this has been in effect for 2 years now with no new trails having been open,no nonresident permit available to non-res.users.Do they enforce this new law?is this just another money grab for supported by lies from politicians on it's intended use?What am I missing here this whole legislation seem incomplete?


Active member
You got bad information. You are correct that there is NOT a non-resident trail pass available for your motorcycles. You can however register your bikes in the state of Wisconsin. By registering in Wisconsin, you therefore do not need to purchase an out of state trail permit should one become available. I live in Iowa and have my UTV and ATV registered in the state of Wisconsin. We can register our machines in Iowa but I refuse to because we really don't have anywhere to ride down here as far as trails are concerned. I want my money to go where I ride. Now, registering your motorcycles is very simple. This is the website to go to and where I register my machines: https://gowild.wi.gov/
You need to set up an account to get your registration. Do not worry about the sales tax. Simply check the box where it says sales tax already paid for and nothing else will be asked. I've registered several machines in Wisconsin and have never had to supply proof that I did. So no worries there.
As far as operating in the national forest on a motorcycle, I'm not sure. Your best best is to call the county that you are interested in riding in to see if maps are available. I don't pay attention to motorcyle trails in Wisconsin as I don't own one. I don't think there are too many to be honest with you but I may be wrong. Hope this helps.


Active member
for info on OHM (off highway motorcycles) fs.fed.gov search Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest and Motor Vehicle Use Map.

Or go to wohma.org Wisconsin Off-Highway Motorcycle Association.


New member
Cheq-Nico forest requires WI OHM sticker been all over those woods for the past 30 years.WOHMA is kind of a dead issue,haven't seen much new on there in a while.thanks for the reply's.I think I will just stick to my private track in Hurley or ride MI,they don't seem to mind OHM's and aren't so restrictive on where they can be ridden.