Wisconsin to Lower nighttime speed limit???

bryan t

Here we go again..legislating stupidity!!!!! The Wisconsin DNR has ruined fishing, and hunting in wisconsin..why not mess up snowmobiling too!!!

(the following wausau copied from Todays wausau daily herald)

Nighttime snowmobile speed limit might change

By Karen Madden
For the Wausau Daily Herald

Although some central Wisconsin snowmobile riders would like to see Wisconsin's nighttime speed limit go away, a state official thinks it should be lowered even further to save lives.

The current 55 mph nighttime speed limit for snowmobilers in Wisconsin expires in June, but there is a proposal in the state Legislature to make it permanent.

Gary Eddy Jr., DNR snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle administrator, would like to see the speed limit lowered to 45 mph. At 55 mph, snowmobile operators are overdriving their headlights: There isn't enough time for them to react to objects once they come into view, he said.

Pittsville resident Andy Meyer, 44, doesn't think the speed limit is necessary.

"People who are going to drive that fast at night aren't going to care if there's a speed limit," Meyer said. "It just gives (law enforcement) an excuse to stop snowmobilers."

In 2000, the DNR enacted an emergency rule to make the speed limit 50 mph in response to 39 fatalities -- a record high -- during the 1999-2000 snowmobile season, Eddy said. The year the speed limit was in place, the number of fatalities dropped to 26. When the one-year rule ended, the number of fatalities slowly increased during the next few years.

Snowmobile groups resisted efforts to create a permanent nighttime speed limit, preferring the 55 mph limit on a trial basis, because they wanted proof the limit makes a difference. The trial period was signed into law in late 2007 and ends this year.

Eric Patterson, 23, Stevens Point, thinks the state should let the speed limit expire.

"There are situations where it just doesn't make sense," he said.

Patterson said he likes to ride in areas that are open, where there's little danger of hitting anything.

While the current state proposal would keep the 55 mph limit, it was amended to make an exception for racing.


Well-known member
45mph night time speed limit will end my night time riding. That in turn will end my night time spending as well......I don't want tickets. I can live with 55 at night but next thing why not 35 then 25 as long as they can keep saying we are SAVING LIVES BS. Anybody that drinks too much at night & jumps on a sled & rides it into a tree or house or whatever is NOT thinking about speed limit laws. I slow down at night anyway with or without laws but don't need laws to make me ride saftely.


The majority of the time if you are "out of town" there is very little enforcement on the current law.

I'm sorry but 45 is SLOW. I don't drink and ride, and if people are drinking and riding to the point of being dangerous a speed limit and a handful of cops aren't going to save them.


New member
I dont think 55 is too slow at night. lots of things can happen pretty fast if you can see the trail clearly. 55 is a good idea for a max spped at night


New member
Well I guess at least it's good for the deer!! Now they'll have a better chance crossing the trails....LOL Glad I don't sled in WI.....


To me 55 at night is no big deal, because in MN (the state where nothing fun is allowed) we have a 50MPH limit at any time day or night except on certin lakes where we are allowed to wick it up to 55mph.

Now that I have that out of the way, Fight this with all you have. Once it is there it is almost impossiable repeal a law like this.


Active member
Back to the early days of the automobile ...

Well they could revert to an idea from the early days of the automobile, by lowering the speed limit to 4mph (country) and 2mph (town) and requiring a man on foot (wearing snowshoes, no doubt) to precede each sled by 60 yards, carrying a red flag during daylight hours, and a lantern at night to warn those with horses (or to warn the deer?)! {wry, twisted smile}

(Yeah, I know, don't give 'em any ideas!)


New member
I'll never forget the night I was 16 years old driving my 86 Olds Cutlass down a country road at night @ 60mph with the regular (not bright) head lights on. Someone had left an old refrigerator box in the middle of the blacktop. I jammed the brakes on hard as fast as my reflexes allowed for - but there was simply no possible way to stop before I hit that box. I pushed that box at least 15 or 20 feet. If it had been something more substantial that a cardboard box there would have been a lot of damage. I doubt I could stop a sled faster than a car on dry pavement. Anyway 55 is plenty fast @ night.

bryan t

I don't have a problem with any speed limit..just don't half azz it...I mean I can see other sleds at night..I can't see them coming sometimes during the day..at night I can at least see their headlights...what I have a problem with is the state of wisconsin is reactive..not PROactive...get a couple deaths, and it's "Those damn snowmobilers are drunks"..."let's slow em down".
If speed and alcohol is the problem...why are we only looking at Speed???

I am not against drinking( i believe when you are through riding it's ok to park the sleds, and enjoy a few stiff ones with your buddies) ...but you can't solve the problem simply by posting speed limits...the drunks don't care...it's uninforcable anyways...not enough wardens to do it.

It's unfortunate that people die...but they did something stupid...speed and alcohol don't mix in ANY SPORT!!! The unexperienced, and DUMB will continue to die, wether there are speed limits or not....unfortunately it is the thing that continues to TAINT our sport, and will dominate headlines in the local news and newspapers and only gives the snowmobile haters more ammo..with the "see I told ya they are nothing but drunks". SAD BUT TRUE


New member
i need someone to protect me from myself.and while we're at it,if we have to buy insurance for everyone who either can't afford it or won't afford it why don't we pay the state to insure deer with collision insurance,maybe even full blown medical.


Stupid people will always find a way to injure or kill themselves. I am surprised there hasn't been legislation to make everybody register their blenders. The fun haters won't be happy until everything that could possibly harm anyone is outlawed and we are all sitting home watching the mindless garbage they have on TV these days.

bryan t

Yes..let's ask the wisconsin legislature to pass a "STUPID PERSON LAW"

Dumb people will no longer be able to drive, hunt, or use recreational vehicles in the state of wisconsin....and you get $50 bucks for every stupid person you turn into the state....I got a list of morons right now...lol


55 at night is fast, but once they have 55mph at night on the books you better believe that a day time speed limit is coming right behind it.

Some people are just not intelligent enough to realize when they are drunk they shouldn't get back on the sled. As bad as it sounds, THATS NOT MY FAULT.

The remaining snowmobile operators should not be punished for their carelessness.

Maybe they should look in to stiffer DUI penalties.????


I have no problem with going 55 or even slower at night. What I don't like is having the government come up with these stupid laws and then try and make it look like they are actually addressing the problem. The speed limit is not going to do anything. Like it was stated earlier, the people that drive fast are not going to care if there is a speed limit. They will still go as fast as they want.


I have no problem with going 55 or even slower at night. What I don't like is having the government come up with these stupid laws and then try and make it look like they are actually addressing the problem. The speed limit is not going to do anything. Like it was stated earlier, the people that drive fast are not going to care if there is a speed limit. They will still go as fast as they want.

Thus, no point in the speed limit law. Let us ride!

Team Elkhorn

I dont want more laws either. Having said, that i wish some people would slow the HECK down. We already plan all our trips midweek, try to get back before it gets dark. But AT LEAST once a day i have to swerve half way off the trail to avoid a pack of guys going way too fast on a trail with two way traffic. Anyone who rides point knows what im talking about. I dont know the answer, but if we dont slow down, their gonna make laws to slow us down.


I dont want more laws either. Having said, that i wish some people would slow the HECK down. We already plan all our trips midweek, try to get back before it gets dark. But AT LEAST once a day i have to swerve half way off the trail to avoid a pack of guys going way too fast on a trail with two way traffic. Anyone who rides point knows what im talking about. I dont know the answer, but if we dont slow down, their gonna make laws to slow us down.

I am actually more comfortable riding at night because on "most" of the turns/trails I can see a headlight coming at me before it is right on top of me and I am taking emergency evasive manuevers. I don't think that this is the solution to the problem, but unless people can be self governing nothing will change.

Even with a new law, there will be no additional funds for additional law enforcement equipped with sleds and radar to enforce it. So, people will drive slow and be held under control in towns, and then once they get out in the "woods" will open it up and try to make up time! Causing even more people to haul a** through the woods creating a more dangerous situation.

Man this really irritates me..........