

New member
Pretty sure this is NOT true. Link?

Correction it's still under the process.....I listen to Wisconsin Public Radio at work it has been a hot topic many times.....WPR Wisconsin Public Radio...."The Lift Protections For Gray Wolves Introduced In US Senate
The legislation to lift federal protections for gray wolves introduced Tuesday comes from senators Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, and senators from Wyoming and Minnesota.

Jan. 18, 2017..............Michigan is applying to lift the ban too i THINK but could be wrong.
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Actually Michigan has approved lifting the hunting ban of wolves, but is still 100% illegal to kill them because congress and federal courts say so.

"hunting of wolves, which are included on the federal endangered species list, could resume in Michigan under legislation signed Wednesday by Gov. Rick Snyder, but not until federal wildlife officials say the animals no longer need protection."



Active member
Correction it's still under the process.....I listen to Wisconsin Public Radio at work it has been a hot topic many times.....WPR Wisconsin Public Radio...."The Lift Protections For Gray Wolves Introduced In US Senate
The legislation to lift federal protections for gray wolves introduced Tuesday comes from senators Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, and senators from Wyoming and Minnesota.

Jan. 18, 2017..............Michigan is applying to lift the ban too i THINK but could be wrong.
Wow! Bipartisan support. Havent seen that in awhile. If I remember correctly delisting made news day after presisential election. At least in Wisconsin.


Well-known member
I am amazed that wolves are causing so much concern.

We see them quite often while riding. They want to get away from us when we meet.

Check out stats on aggressive wolf interactions with people and domestic animals. It will shock you how low those numbers are compared to the hype.


Staff member
I am amazed that wolves are causing so much concern.

We see them quite often while riding. They want to get away from us when we meet.

Check out stats on aggressive wolf interactions with people and domestic animals. It will shock you how low those numbers are compared to the hype.

Little Red Riding Hood Syndrom...Don't confuse us with the facts! :)
Creepiest thing is knowing their watching you, but you never saw them.
I was followed on a Mountain bike path. Turned around and took the same path out (sandy trail) and had wolf tracks that followed me in. Kind of makes your hair stand up.


New member
I had one jump out onto the trail right in front of me and proceeded to run down the trail for a couple hundred feet then jumped off and watched me pass. Between Phillips and Prentice. Pretty cool.


Little Red Riding Hood Syndrom...Don't confuse us with the facts! :)

Stats or facts are interesting, but when you have to have the DNR at ur house due to daily problems I don't see that as LRRHS. Neighbors dog was killed by a wolf in the fall of 2015 while he was out with it, that is a fact and a stat but I guess they aren't relevant to him. Maybe if he would have read the stats on aggressive wolf interactions his dog would still be alive...lol


Well-known member
I am amazed that wolves are causing so much concern.

We see them quite often while riding. They want to get away from us when we meet.

Check out stats on aggressive wolf interactions with people and domestic animals. It will shock you how low those numbers are compared to the hype.

I can see you don't live with wolves...they can be a real pita towards pets. To wolves it is a territoral thing when they encounter a dog in the same area. Simple solution to the wolf kill it now while they have the opportunity. Dogs have no chance against a wolf. Explain to your daughter why her sweet puppy is no more just because a wolf saw an opportunty for a snack one day. Wolves will check out man as well and if an aggressive hungry pack look out. Most wolves are well fed in the northwoods but reduce the food source and the wolf will come looking for food opps. The wolf is just doing what they always do hunt to eat very simple.


New member
I can see you don't live with wolves...they can be a real pita towards pets. To wolves it is a territoral thing when they encounter a dog in the same area. Simple solution to the wolf kill it now while they have the opportunity. Dogs have no chance against a wolf. Explain to your daughter why her sweet puppy is no more just because a wolf saw an opportunty for a snack one day. Wolves will check out man as well and if an aggressive hungry pack look out. Most wolves are well fed in the northwoods but reduce the food source and the wolf will come looking for food opps. The wolf is just doing what they always do hunt to eat very simple.

A record number over 40 bear/hunting dogs have been killed by wolves in 2016 Hunters can receive over $2000 for each dog killed through the state of Wisconsin.

Tim in Indiana

Active member
Saw one last weekend on Presque Isle lake. It was dusk and he walked through my yard and across the bay. We see them a few times a year around Presque Isle.


Staff member
Stats or facts are interesting, but when you have to have the DNR at ur house due to daily problems I don't see that as LRRHS. Neighbors dog was killed by a wolf in the fall of 2015 while he was out with it, that is a fact and a stat but I guess they aren't relevant to him. Maybe if he would have read the stats on aggressive wolf interactions his dog would still be alive...lol

Got them here too. A black one was running around our property. Several folks saw it crossing the road a few hundred feet from our house on several occasions this summer.

Live in the sticks, deal with what the sticks tosses at you. When I found out there was one roaming our property, I never left Gracie or the dogs unattended...even in our parking/play area.

To each there own, I guess. I just see it as part of living in the wilderness, or fringes of it anyway. I would rather let nature be nature than me try and be in charge of everything and have everything my way.

I guess to put it in a nutshell...I recognize that I live in an area where wolves live, so I do my best to respect that threat and not dominate it. I am WAY more worried about my dogs running out to the road and getting schmucked by a car than I am them getting attacked by a wolf.



From what I know usually a single/lone wolf is no danger, unless injured. All they want to do is get on with their run/hunt. Group/Pack, that's totally different. They depend on what the Lead/Alpha has in mind. Use good sense, and don't push them.

uhm....NO....this is from A LONE WOLFs TRAITS

As an animal, a lone wolf is a wolf that lives independently rather than with others as a member of a pack.

In the animal kingdom, lone wolves are typically older wolves driven from the pack, perhaps by the breeding male, or young adults in search of new territory. Many young wolves between the ages of one to four years old leave their family to search for a pack of their own. This has the effect of preventing inbreeding as there is typically only one breeding pair in a wolf pack. Some wolves will simply remain lone wolves; as such, these lone wolves may be stronger, more aggressive and far more dangerous than the average wolf that is a member of a pack. However, lone wolves have difficulty hunting, as wolves' favorite prey, large ungulates, are onerous for a single wolf to bring down alone. Instead, lone wolves will generally hunt smaller animals and scavenge carrion.[2]


I think you and yur go pro needs to rush a wolf....imagine the hits on your widows youtube video....

haha...been there done that....so I am riding alone....I used to for years and years to the tune of 3500 to 5000 by meself.....on my LESS than trusty yamamhamas....and as usual the vmax broke down...AGAIN....LMAO.....so I had told the fellers at aboot midnight I am going out for a short ride on the freshly groomed and going aboot this direction....so the motor is konked out at aboot 2am or so....I am sitting on trail.....I see eyes....then I see lots of eyes....so I pull the cord and the headlight lights for a few seconds....the eyes disappear....this goes on for like 2 hours....finally the eyes get wise....they start moving in closer and closer until pulling the cord is not an option anymore...I climb a tree nearby....I have cigs, whiskey, and my picnic basket from sled full of food and drink....I sit there for hours and hours while below about 5 wolves are around the tree below me....aboot 7am or just after the sun rises and provides good light...I hear in the distance...very weak.... a motor.....going slowly....as it gets within a mile or so...all the wolves suddenly leave....here comes me brother joey....whew....what a relief....tows me home....too bad at that time GO PRO did not exist snobuilder....LOL....but...theres always another chance....widow....are ya kiddin me???? have ya ever seen ALTERED STATES....my mountain man in me woulda kicked in and id be havein wolf steaks and a new coat.....LOL.....I been in some super tight spots and ya don't panic....ya make applesauce outta apples....LMAO