I hate to say this CD but ole TomCat has it right....there are lots of pitfalls even though it would be a good deal for both parties, 90% of the time, the other 10% could cost you a bunch. I also suspect that if you told your insurance carrier what you are about to do, he would be swallowing his necktie, and burning an ulcer.
Suppose the intelligent, and prudent renter decided to cross the yellow line and take out a family of four with his gas guzzler pulling your trailer along to add to the mass weight of the locomotive blowing down the road. Insurance company finds out YOU own the trailer and now, the multi-million dollar liability suit includes you for not making sure the guy was "educated" on the use of the trailer. Lawyer makes a bundle, insurance company pays out the max and you are left wondering what happened, as your wages are garateed for the rest of your life!!
Let's take another direction. You loan it out, the trailer comes back in perfectly good shape, except it now tracks down the road using 2 lanes instead of one. Whatchagunnado? No doubt going after the fella, who had good intentions when he hit the brakes on a snow covered stretch along Lake Superior but went round and round into a snow bank never scratch'n a thing except it now, "sort of pulls funny", won't have a nickle.
I really wish it weren't true, but dezz days, the down side has more traction that the upside of this transaction.