Would you be interested in renting a trailer?


Well-known member
There is risk in any thing we do in life, ....by some ppls standards we should all be bubble wrapped and live in a padded cell.


New member
Take the leap.

CD...go ahead with the knowledge you now have. Take the risk. See what happens, and get back to us with your opinions, good or bad. You will never know if you don't take that


New member
There is risk in any thing we do in life, ....by some ppls standards we should all be bubble wrapped and live in a padded cell.

Exactly!! Well put snobuilder!! I guess that is why they are just sitting at their computers. It would be dangerous to leave the house... Wait, it might be dangerous to be in your house! Er.. Um.. I better go change my batteries in my CO detectors. They might not be good batteries. Wait, How do I know if the CO detector is working properly. Oh crap now what could go wrong! danger danger danger everywhere LOL Think about all of that worry-worts!!


Well-known member
live in a bubble what ever dude. must not know any lawyers ah.they live for this snit and live well at that.


New member
I wish you well, hopefully nothing happens to you. Just make sure the juice worth the sqeeze. Your house, your lifestyle, your cabin, dog, cat, wife, kids, etc... for an extra 300-400 for a week when you do rent it out. You may even have a stroke worrying about it until it gets returned to you.


Well-known member
Like many threads this one has moved into another dimension with many pointing out the pitfalls with the basic idea.
I think the biggest challenge in renting out equipment is to find clientel you can trust, and I would bet thats why the idea got posted on this here mostly sledhead filled website.
You might want to also run a notice in your local club newsletter to find like minded ppl who respect the equipment involved.
I think its a great idea, I'm sitting here with 2 trailers myself, a 2 and a 4 without alot of space where I live to store them both....it would be practical for me to rent or borrow a 2 place and keep the 4 place for when we actually need it and summer storage of the sleds.
If you go ahead with this , let us know what it takes as far as getting the proper insurance coverage and waiver of damages needed to CYA incase something does go wrong.
It can't be all that bad,....1000's of trailers get rented everyday!