Here is Snow Tech's take on it, says same thing......Yamaha not leaving market but restructuring. They point out that all 4 mfg's are producing around 175,000 units a year but only 95,000 to 100,000 are being actually sold. Something has to give. Yamaha isn't the only mfg with left over product either.
BTW, I was the one who said Yamaha does have a new made in Japan sled. That is true and photos have been taken. Obviously 2019 is not the year to release anything new when they have a program like this taking place. Who knows, maybe they will never release it but it does exist.
I also know the inside story how Yamaha and Cat started working together. I knew parts of it but not all of it but here is kind of how it went in a nutshell:
Apparently when former Supertrax editor CJ Ramstead passed away there were AC top brass and also Yamaha top brass at the funeral. One of the Yamaha guys mentioned to one of the AC guys as kind of a half hearted joke......"one of our 4s motors would be great in your ProCross chassis". It likely planted a seed...... Anyways some time went by but then Suzuki had announced they could no longer develop new engines for Cat. They could still supply existing ones but nothing new. As we know Cat went to work and started their 2s engine plant in St. Cloud,Mn. but also made the agreement with Yamaha on the 4s engines and the rest is history.
I think Yamaha had other deciding factors too to hook up with Cat, the tsunami in Japan had hurt supply chains and the fluctuating Yen and their own reduced sales.