Regarding the discussion between Duely's vs. Triple Points, I have this experience with my two '09's. I finally took the stock carbides off the Vector after 700 or so miles, and found them to be worn raw, with a signfiicant wear mark, concaved toward the center, right where the pivot point is. Bergstrom sent me shims for the Vector so I had it shimmed, and added the 6" Shaper Bars. The thing corners about perfectly and night and day difference betweeen stock carbides and Shaper bars.
Now the interesting thing is, the Apex is also shimmed, has ski-savers and 8" Bergstrom triple points, and it clearly feels light on the front end, like it has less ski-pressure than it needs. It corners O.K., and does not dart, but it doesn't feel as precise in cornering as the Vector does. I think this is possibily because I have my rear shock set more toward the firm side, I don't recall without looking at my notes, how many turn I went, but about 2 mm or less is what I think. I did not want bottoming, at all costs, I wanted to limit possibility of damage to the rear exchanger, even though I have it protected with my own mod, I have pretty aggressive (1.4" Extreme Max - 162) studding, all down the middle. I've heard you can still touch with a hard bottom, even with protectors in place. Dealer told me as you go toward the firm side on the shock preload, you will start to miminize ski-pressure, and sacrifice some bite/control. After I rode it a bit, I understood what he meant. It's still good enough that kid or wife can ride it and feel in control, but it doesn't feel to have the front bite of the Vector.