Your "Bucket List"...


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The 3 Old Guys thread got me thinking. Things to do in life before it's too late to do them. I have a few. We're going to Vegas next month, that'll be a first. I'm not a gambler beyond the Stock Market but I do want to see Hoover Dam before my days are numbered. Actually, all of our days are numbered, we just don't know "the number". The Normandy D Day coastal area would be another but International Travel and hazards for Americans gives me pause. My wife has been to Europe, and I'd probably go along. My ancestors came from there, maybe we could find the "home place". And after all these years of snowmobiling, I've never been to Eagle River to see the Championships. It's always been work, family, or something else that got in the way. They say the ghost of Yvon Duhamel still races at midnight when no one else is around and I'd like to see that!!

Things to do before it's too late in life. Big or small, near or far, let's see what's on your Bucket List!
And then make it happen.


Well-known member
Our son just graduated from basic training/OSUT, and will be stationed in Hawaii in 2 weeks. So, hopefully in the next 2 years we can cross off Hawaii from the bucket list. We plan to go to Alaska in the next few years. That would be number 2 off the list. Then the goal would be to retire on, or very near Lake Superior, but that's a few more years out. My list is short.


Well-known member
Retire in the U.P. wife and I traveled up there this past fall, drove all over checking out areas, we both like the Bond Flowage area. Want to reside down one of those roads you see going back into the woods where you say "I wonder what's back there?".... we're back there. I have always wanted to do a Canada snowmobile trip as well. Also want to get an epic bag trip in with Venturenorth too.


Well-known member
We are planning to retire in 305 days, but who's counting, and our bucket list includes a 2-4 month RV trip to Alaska that first summer, spending a fall in southern Utah exploring all the national parks there and mtn biking in Moab. Potentially building our new home, where at we don't know yet but would love to be in the mtns. Hiking some of the PCT and visiting Yosemite. Visiting Europe and going to the Alps region and the D-Day beaches and memorials. And if we don't build out west spending months out there in the RV and then weeks out there in the winter sledding including Revelstoke at least once.


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I’m retired, 68, want to take one more trip into the BWCA with my daughter and now the little grandson. It’s been talked about and I’m still in decent shape so hopefully we can get it done in the next few years.


Well-known member
I would like to leave from Grand Forks and ride to the Atlantic Ocean and back with no vehicle support

I posted this back in 2013 and it is a similar trip to what the 3 old guys are doing now. I still hope to do it someday.

old abe

Well-known member
Retire in the U.P. wife and I traveled up there this past fall, drove all over checking out areas, we both like the Bond Flowage area. Want to reside down one of those roads you see going back into the woods where you say "I wonder what's back there?".... we're back there. I have always wanted to do a Canada snowmobile trip as well. Also want to get an epic bag trip in with Venturenorth too.
euphoric1, bag trips, vagabonding, winging it were, and hopefully will still be the best part of our snowmobile years. Where ever it be! Long haul, big mile Canadian trips have always topped our favorites list. Go for it.


Well-known member
Probably way too young to start listing my bucket list items. Lots of riding areas I’d love to still visit.


Well-known member
Alaska is a trip I'd like to do... I have a friend that lives up there... I keep saying next year... Have another friend in St. Croix, I have been to the USVI, but it would be fun to go back. Eventually, I want to do a sled trip out West. Not sure about off-trail (my back would not make it digging out all day), but I want to at least go out there to ride.


Active member
Probably way too young to start listing my bucket list items. Lots of riding areas I’d love to still visit.
No, it's never too early! I'm a similar age as you. I have small bucket list items in my head already. We all know how fast time goes once kids/grandkids/etc. are in the mix. At least think about it and get a list in your head, even if it's only 1 or 2 things to start, you never know when the opportunity presents itself. And even better if those bucket list items, however small some might be, if they can include your kids, or one of your parents with similar interests, do it!

You are probably already "unconsciously" fulfilling a bucket list item or two, by riding with your wife and son! I know I am, as my girls grow (9 and 7), and I see them building their skills on the 200's and eventually moving up to the starter sleds we already have for them.


Well-known member
I don't ride nearly as much as I'd like to, with kids and work, etc. The Old guys are an inspiration. Hopefully my group can do some epic trips too, but hopefully in our 50's. Used to do bad trips in Ontario. Would like to get to back to that. Quebec too. Did that once.

I spent a few months working in Europe and always wanted to go back. That was early 00's, and I'm not sure Europe is what it was.

Alaska, Hawaii, lots of places to see in the West too.


Well-known member
Probably way too young to start listing my bucket list items. Lots of riding areas I’d love to still visit.
Never wait too long to fulfill bucket list ideas, of course it depends on finances and other situations. But, seen way too many folks work all their lives and once they retire they physically/medically just cannot do what’s on that list …or they can but at a dramatically less experience. I am 47 and in good physical/medical shape but already can tell I am no longer as fit as I once was….and I work out 4 days a week. Enjoy life, it’s short.


Well-known member
Never wait too long to fulfill bucket list ideas, of course it depends on finances and other situations. But, seen way too many folks work all their lives and once they retire they physically/medically just cannot do what’s on that list …or they can but at a dramatically less experience. I am 47 and in good physical/medical shape but already can tell I am no longer as fit as I once was….and I work out 4 days a week. Enjoy life, it’s short.
I agree 100%. I'll be 58 when we call it quits and I can tell I'm going to need to spend more time on the bike this summer to get back into the shape I was 2-3 yrs ago. Last summer with selling the house and moving I just didn't have time. But I know some of the things I really want to do I won't be able to do or would struggle with when I'm 70.
And one thing I didn't put on my bucket list is a moose hunt in Alaska or the Yukon. I've wanted to do that for so long! Just saw another one of the beasts on Sunday while riding north of our place.


Well-known member
Probably way too young to start listing my bucket list items. Lots of riding areas I’d love to still visit.
I think it's great to start young. A lot of the things that end up on bucket lists are harder to do when the body gets a little tired.


Well-known member
My own bucket list changed over the years. Often items I checked one off, made room for another.

For example, I wanted to see the country. That morphed into why not try to see every state. I ended up doing OTR during summers my last couple years of school. It wasn't a fancy goal, but I hit all the mainland states my first summer. During my second summer, I prioritized the places I learned to love.
By the time I was done with school, I decided it was time to get out of the country and see what else I could. I did that one on the cheap with a passport and backpack. I was dang poor, but I had time. I figured I better do that kind of travel while I could.

Skydiving was supposed to be a one time deal. I ended up doing a second dive the same day. I guess you could call it a twofer. Wanted to barefoot, that took a few hits before I got that one. I first had to learn skiing. I clunked a lot of random stuff off the list over the years. Some were easy and some took a ton of time.

Some of the stuff that was on my list would never pop back up. I had fun and I'm glad I went for the checkoff at the time. Items on my list today would have bored the bejeezus out of my younger self.
Truly enjoy every day? Learn something new.
It's hard to call them bucket list items.


Well-known member
I agree 100%. I'll be 58 when we call it quits and I can tell I'm going to need to spend more time on the bike this summer to get back into the shape I was 2-3 yrs ago. Last summer with selling the house and moving I just didn't have time. But I know some of the things I really want to do I won't be able to do or would struggle with when I'm 70.
And one thing I didn't put on my bucket list is a moose hunt in Alaska or the Yukon. I've wanted to do that for so long! Just saw another one of the beasts on Sunday while riding north of our place.
We used to vacation on lake vermilion as a kid and we stopped at one of the many islands one day 60 years ago and lo and behold we came across a moose, an animal you need to respect by the way, but very awesome at that time in my life.