The 3 Old Guys thread got me thinking. Things to do in life before it's too late to do them. I have a few. We're going to Vegas next month, that'll be a first. I'm not a gambler beyond the Stock Market but I do want to see Hoover Dam before my days are numbered. Actually, all of our days are numbered, we just don't know "the number". The Normandy D Day coastal area would be another but International Travel and hazards for Americans gives me pause. My wife has been to Europe, and I'd probably go along. My ancestors came from there, maybe we could find the "home place". And after all these years of snowmobiling, I've never been to Eagle River to see the Championships. It's always been work, family, or something else that got in the way. They say the ghost of Yvon Duhamel still races at midnight when no one else is around and I'd like to see that!!
Things to do before it's too late in life. Big or small, near or far, let's see what's on your Bucket List!
And then make it happen.
And then make it happen.