Your Pre Season TO DO LIST


Super Moderator
Staff member
Wondering what's on your list of things to do regarding machines, gear, and plans for the upcoming season. I just finished up the fall yardwork this past weekend and completed an upgrade to the trailer. I'll roll the machine out of the shed and into the garage next, drop in the battery, freshen up the gas and I'm pretty much ready to go. How about yourself?


Well-known member
Gary, not as lucky as you. A short list includes the following:

1. Repair bent tie-rods and radius rod on the XCSP
2. Compression check and bent nun check on the Summit
3. Replace space-wasting Summit tail light assembly with custom setup
4. Add temp gauge to Summit
5. New battery for the Renegade
6. Grease for everyone!


New member
Almost done!

1. Install new stator.
2. Install new voltage regulator.
3. Install new track.
4. Pack idler wheel bearings.
5. Grease all zirks.
6- Go thru both clutches.
7. Install new slides.
8. Install new chain.
9. Clean... clean... buff.

Waiting for chain to come in so I can get it all together and running.


Well-known member
Gather my snomo gear, dress, turn key & ride when snows.:) Probably charge the battery for a day & start soon but really no big deal since everything done in Spring. 4s pretty much like a car change oil & filter, lube, check hyfax , fluids & carbides then ride.:)


Super Moderator
Staff member
I usually do the grease zirts in the spring. They say that forces out any moisture and crud that would otherwise remain during storage. Come to think of it, I only have 2 fittings on the entire machine anyway. I did the oil and filter change prior to the clean up last spring so there's very little for me to do. Nothing broke or requires repair so......Think Snow & Go Packers!


Well-known member
Take the cover off, pull the cord, flip the trigger. C-Ya! Did all the pre-season stuff already.-Mezz


New member
Note to self: have to go 4 stroker....
1) upgrade trailer ( done )
2) rebiult POO, adding gas & antifreeze now will be firing it up.
3) rebuild DOO, no comp PTO side cyl.
That's what happens with 2 stroker corner burners.... I used to like working on sleds, modding them, ect....
1 burned down and the other blew a head gasket towing it back on the last trip .... should be interesting on the DOO , if
I have a melted hole in the piston ... I will not be happy. I have absolutely no comp at all in that cyl.. We shut it down ASAP
Hope it's not too bad,


Well-known member
1. Tighten trailer hubs, grease trailer bearings (done)
2. Start Sled (done)
3. Put on new SLP Power Pro skis won at Ride In last year (done)
4. Fix side panel from fight with tree.
5. Wax sled so it slides off of trees better.
6. Grease sled fittings.
7. Replace diamond drive fluid.
8. Pray to snow god for deep snow.
9. Remove old trail passes from last year.
10 Check hyfax and replace if needed.


  1. Grease trailer bearings. - DONE
  2. Replace rusted trailer screws. - DONE
  3. Replace custom exhaust mounting bracket. - DONE
  4. Install riser. - IN PROGRESS
  5. Install OFT steering offset. - IN PROGRESS
  6. Install Stage II supercharger. - IN PROGRESS
  7. Install mountain heat exchanger.
  8. Install rollover valve.
  9. Install mountain strap.
  10. Swap Ripsaw for a Cobra track.
  11. Grease sled fittings.
  12. Change oil.
  13. Polish tunnel.

Can't wait for snow!!!
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Well-known member
-Install T fitting for water temp gauge (I just put it in place of the dummy sensor, its tricking the CDI since It's currently unplugged)
-Replace weight bushings, secondary spring, and secondary buttons on my dads 700
-Replace water pump belt on both mine and my dads 700

Pretty much it, did most of the work this spring. Oh yeah, and take out the 47.5 pilots I put in my 500...


Well-known member
Just pulled the sled off the trailer and into the garage, lots of work to do.

1. pull skid, and replace some wheels
2. pull tunnel protectors
3. install oft tunnel block off
4. replace exhaust donuts with oft copper ones
5. New coolant.
6. polish tunnel
7. Check with business manger to see if I can afford some powderhound skis.


New member
All done in early spring except:

1) put belts and secondary back on the sleds
2) find 112+ fuel for the new (built) kitty
3) mount bag on tunnel (112+ fuel holder)
4) change oil in H

Team Elkhorn

Sleds are fine. I'll wait until December and drain the old Stabil fuel out of them so they have fresh gas for the first ride. (The truck gets the old stuff). Change the oil in the truck. Air up all the tires on the truck and trailer, (including the spares), give the hubs on the trailer a shot of grease and I'm ready for the season. Lets ride! :)


Well-known member
With a Shift you can do as little as nothing or start an upgrade list as long as your arm. The beauty of buying a Shift is you have a ton of options if you have the cash.
This may sound crazy but I'm thinkin I wanna keep this sled as close to stock as possible. I was just questioning some preseason maintanice.


New member
on my 900 I have to put on the new ice age 151 rails with a two wheel conversion kit and 9 inch rear wheels because of the rails. On my dads sled I have to replace the battery for the mfd cluster. and my brothers sled needs a pto crank seal. My 600 and my moms sled only need to be greased and cleaned. Every sled actually needs to be cleaned and greased as well